8 APRIL 1899, page 14

The Partition Of Samoa.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—You advocate the partition of the Samoan islands as the only solution of the international difficulty. I think if you realised more......

Wireless Telegraphy.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SER„—I notice in the Spectator of April 1st, a propos of wire- less telegraphy, the remark : " If the ether can transmit vibration in a......

Father Hecker And Americanism.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Sre,—In the article on "Americanism and the Papacy" in the Spectator of April 1st, the writer states that Cardinal Gibbons in his letter......

St. Paul's Cathedral.

[To THE EDITOR - OP TUE " SPECTAT9H."], SIR,—It is curious that in writing on the important subject of Sir W. B. Richmond's decorations in St. Paul's Cathedral, people do not......


JOHNEEN. SURE he's five months old, an' he's two foot long, Baby Johneen, Watch yerself now, for he's tarrible sthrong, Baby Johneen ! An' his fists 'ill be up if ye make anny......

The Position Of The Holy Table. A Correction.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—As Mr. Sturge seems to have missed the point of my comment on the position of the holy table, will you permit me to say that while, of......