8 APRIL 1899, Page 23

MISCELLANEOUS.—The April instalments of the Oxford English Dictionary (Clarendon Press,)

carry on the fourth and fifth volumes, the former from Germano " to " Glass- cloth," the latter 'from "Hod" to " Horizontal." (Vol. IV. is under the special charge of Mr. Henry Bradley, Vol. V. under that of the general editor, Dr. Murray.) Our readers will be interested in knowing that, judging by the space occu- pied in Latham's edition of "Johnson's Dictionary," something less than half has been accomplished ; to be precise, -408. In the "G " section we notice " gipsy " (the common spelling now) ; it first occurs in a letter of T. Cromwell, when they are styled " lewd persons " ; gingerbread," which properly means preserved ginger ; gingham," a Malay word, originally = striped ; "giddy," which is, curiously, connected with god" (ivilsos). —The Chronology of India. By C. Mabel Duff (Mrs. W. R. Rickmera). (Constable and Co. 15s.)—This is a work on which much labour has been spent, and to excellent purpose. The first two dates are the beginnings of the Kaliyaga era (3102 B.C.), and the Lauki Ka era, which is twenty-six years later. Then, coming to history, we have 657 B.C. as the birth date of Buddha. The expedition of Skylax, sent by Darius, belongs to 515 ; other dates are 477 (Buddha's death), 415 (Ktesias), 327 (the invasion of Alexander). The last date is 1530 A.D., the death of the Emperor Baber. An appendix gives Dynastic Lists, and there is a very full index.— We have received Text-Book of the Embryology of Invertebrates, by Dr. G. Korschelt and Dr. K. Heider, translated by Matilda Bernard, revised and edited, with additional Notes, by Martin F. Woodward, Vol. II. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co., 15s.) ; Law of Partnership, by A. Underhill (Butterworth and Co., 3s. 6d.) ; Organ Playing, by Arthur Page (C. Vincent, 2s.) ; and from the same publisher, Scoring for an Orchestra, by Charles Vincent (ls. 64.) ; A Manual of Practical Instruction vi Brass .Repousse (Batsford.) —The Rights of the Church of England under the Reformation Settlement (Longman and Co., ls.)