8 APRIL 1899, Page 23

NEW EDITIONS. —The History, of St. Catherine of Siena and her

Companions. By Augusta Theodosia Drone. 2 vols. (Longmana and Co. 15L)—This is a third edition, succeeding the second at an interval of twelve years. The first appendix contains a report made by a certain William fete, of some spiritual counsels which he heard from the "Seraphic Virgin," a strange combination of extra- vagance and wisdom. For instance, she describes herself as shunning

her mother's caresses "as she would sword and poison," and wel- coming temptations, the more gladly the more abhorrent they were. On the other hand we have :—" As there are many mansions in the Fatherland, there are also many roads leading thereto" ; "There are those who attach themselves too much to any spiritual practice

for instance, fasting and the like, so that if perchance they are unable to practise it they give way at once to despair" ; "Many people remain in their cell who live out of their cell : My Will is that thy cell be the knowledge of thyself and of thy sins."— The Ethic of Benedict Spinoza. Translated by W. Hall White. With revision by Amelia Hutchinson Stirling, M.A. (Duckworth and Co. 7s. 6d.)---A third edition, reprinted from the second, with a few corrections.—Alfred Tennyson : a Memoir, by his Son (Macmillan and Co., 10s. net), is a reprint in a single volume of more than nine hundred pages of the two-volume edition of 1897, itself reprinted twice, with an Edition de Luxe in four volumes, once reprinted.—In the same publishers " Sixpenny Series " we have Maud, the Princess, Enoch Arden, and other Poems (of which " Aylmer's Field," a special favourite, we believe, of the poet, is the chief). It is a marvel of cheapness.—In the new edition of "Francis Parkman's Works" (same publishers), we have •The Old Regime in Canada and Count Frontenac and 11"ew France under Louis XV, Parts IV.. and V. of France and England in North America (8s. 6d. net each volume).—In the Border Edition of the Waverley Novels," edited by Andrew Lang (John C. Nimmo), Redgauntlet (3s. 6d.)—Classics for the Million, by Henry Grey (Swan Sonnenschein and Co., 3s. 6d.) ; and from the same author and publishers, A Key to the Warerley Novels (2s. 6d.)—Three Recruits and the Girls They Left Behind Them. By Joseph Hatton. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co. 6d.)