8 APRIL 1899, Page 23

South Country Trout Streams. By George A. B. Dewar. (Lawrence

and Bullen. 5s.)—This is a delightful little volume. Trout-fishing is no longer a poor man's amusement, at least in England. Still it may be enjoyed without being a millionaire. For the Londoner there are the Darenth, the Colne, the %Candle, and a little farther afield, the Wey, the Kennet, and the Pang'. But he must be prepared to-pay for the pleasure. His angling will not cost him less than a pound for the day. But he might spend the money far less pleasantly. Mr. Dewar's book will be an excel- lent guide. He sounds, we find, a note of warning. Not only are streams polluted—for that there is a remedy—but they are being stolen. The great water companies are steadily lowering them, and this is a much more formidable danger, for the sales popull comes in.