8 APRIL 1899, Page 23

The Average 31474 and other Sermons. By the Rev. W.

Granger. (Alex. Gardner.)—A friend.of Mr. Granger, who died March 1st, 1898, gives a short sketch of his life, character, and theological position. He was a specimen of the new school of the Scottish Church in its most favourable aspect, a Broad Churchman, who united to liberality of thought a very earnest belief._ Only a very small part of his powers can be represented by these twelve sermons ; but it is well that they have been given to the world. They are valuable in themselves, as well as a memorial, inadequate, but deeply interesting, of an uncommon personality.—Two volumes of devotion may be mentioned with the above :—.Ths Hour Before Holy Communion, by Hobert Tuck, B.A. (Marshall Brothers, 2s. 6d.), gives a selection of passages from Scripture, prayers, and meditations. The book is arranged for the custom which makes the celebration comparatively rare, being divided into twelve months.—Victory Through His Name. By the Rev. C. A. Fox. (Same publishers. ls.)