In Italy too the news is negative ; but there
are fresh signs of the strong feelings which pertinaciously animate the two most powerful parties. The King of Naples continues to rely upon Del Carreto and Campana ; and if the people are "tranquil," it is because they frustrate the . attempts of the spy bloodmen to arouse them. Nevertheless, out comes the Neapolitan Government with an address to the Neapolitans, exhorting the subjects of the King to eschew the "wretched fellows" "on whose impious lips ring execrable blasphemies," and who would " plunge the country into new disasters." This appears to be the veritable reply which Naples makes to the "friendly representations" of Austria. Told to govern better, she turns round and scolds the Liberal party with anile vituperation. Austria and Sardinia continue their military preparations. But the fortifications which Sardinia is raising defensively on her Austrian frontier are armed with artillery purchased by public subscription of Victor Emmanuel's subjects.