SATURDAY, The report that the British fleet would renter the Black Sea, in order to promote the fulfilment of the treaty of Paris, is corroborated this morning by the following......
The American "slaughter Of The Innocents."
The Philadelphians have attained to a bad eminence in railway accidents. Prima facie, the monster accident is a result of a single track ; but the worst part of the accident is......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The slightly improved tone in the English Funds at the close of last week has been succeeded by an unfavourable reaction ; which the purchases......
Railway Arrangements.
In the report of the London and North-Western Company, the joint stock capital account shows the total amount of share capital to be 25,521,881/. The net proceeds of......
A Meeting Of The Proprietors Of The London And County
Bank, on Thursday, was looked forward to with great interest for several reasons, especially in regard to John Sadleir's connexion with it. The statements made to the meeting......
The First Company Formed Under The Limited Liability...
dividend at rate of 5 per cent per annum for the past half-year, with a good balance carried forward. The International Coasting Company—Union du Commerce Maritime-is a French......