9 AUGUST 1856, Page 10



The slightly improved tone in the English Funds at the close of last week has been succeeded by an unfavourable reaction ; which the purchases of Stock by the Government Broker on account of the Savings-Banks, and the heavy fall in the Corn-market, have failed to arrest. Independently of the demand for money being very active for general purposes, it has been in request for carrying on speculative operations in Consols ; the Account having been arranged yesterday. Several transactions were closed by disappointed parties, who had originally purchased on the assumption of a further reduction in the Bank rate of discount, and who did not like to pay the high rate asked for continuation. A less favourable state of the exchanges, and the anticipation of a further drain of gold to assist various foreign schemes subscribed on this side, have tended to increase the prevailing dul ness. Consols were done on Monday an

at 95/, and today they have been as low as 95; they close at 954, and 95 f for the Account. Bank d India Stocks are the same as last week ; t xchequer Bills 28. lower.

The Paris market presents no immediate prospect of a return to buoyancy, but the variations this week have been moderate. The average amount of bullion in both departments of the Bank of England, for the month ending the 6th July, was 12,540,364/. ; an increase of 1,681,928/. compared with the preceding month, but a decrease of 5,417,732/. compared with the same time last year. In the Corn-market, on Monday, there was a decline of 10s. from the rates of that day sennight. There have been arrivals of specie from New York amounting to 255,0001. Accounts from Constantinople mention that 500,000 sovereigns had been shipped for England : this is favourable for the money-market, as they will be deposited in the Bank of England. The shipments of specie to India and China by the Ave amounted to 675,4001.; of which 662,100/. was silver. Foreign Securities have been steady, and business has been very limited, with the exception of the dealings in Turkish : these have been principally sales, causing the Six per Cents to recede f, and the Four per Cents 1. Mexican has fallen f. The Portuguese Minister of Finance having intimated to the Chairman of Portuguese Bondholders that the proposition for arrangement of the debt has been sanctioned in both Houses of the Cortes, . Mr. Thornton now recommends the holders to convert their bonds.

. In Railways there has been an absence of speculation, and no particular alteration occurred until yesterday, when they fell from 5s. to 15s., through sales and flatness in the English Funds. Today there has been further depression. London, Brighton, and South Coast, and London and SouthWestern, are the same as last week. In other lines the following differences

• have occurred—Lancashire and Yorkshire 5s. better; Lancaster and Carlisle, North-Eastern—Berwick, and North-Eastern—York, 11., Caledonian 15s., Midland and South-Eastern 108., Great Western and London and NorthWestern 58. lower. In the French descriptions, Paris and Orleans have ima proved 1L 108., Paris and Lyons 1/., Western and North-Western of France 108. Northern of France is 10s. and Eastern of France 58. lower


The English Funds have declined f this morning on a belief that as fleet is to be sent to the Black Sea. Console for Money are 94/ 5, and fok AcBank of England exhibits an increase of 44,066/. In Foreign Stocks t ere Account 941. Exchequer Bills 13 16 premium. The bullion return be have been no transactions. Railways -are dull; the present bargains have been—Great Western, 63f ; North-Eastern—Berwick, 85f, Ditto York, 60k.


The English Funds have recovered 4 since the morning ; Consols for Money are now 941 5, and for Account 9544. Exchequer Bills have shown great heaviness, and have fallen fis., being 8 12 premium. : In Foreign Stocks, Venezuela is 1, Turkish Six per Centel, Ditto Four per Cents a lower. Buenos Ayres have been done at 84, Equador New Consolidated 14, Peruvian Dollar Bonds 60.

Railways are a shade better—Caledonian, 594; Eastern Counties, 10; Great Western, 63; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 974; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1061; London and North-Western, 1074; London and SouthWestern 1081; Manchester Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 344; Midland, 84; Grand Trunk of Canada, A issue 13; Great Indian Penny:nth; 224; Great Western of Canada, 254. Joint Banks—Bank of Egypt, 13 ; London and County, 354; Ottoman Bank, 114; Union of Australia, 684. Miscellaneous—Austrahan Agricultural, ; Canada, 1274.

3 per Cent Consols 94 5 Dutch 21-per Cents 64 6 Ditto for Account 95 1 Ditto 4 per Cents ..... ..... 96 8 3 per Cent Reduced 95t 1 Mexican 3 per Cents 221 3 New 3 per Cents 95, 6 Peruvian 44 per Cents 81 3

Long Annuities ........ ... • • 31 Ditto 3 per Cents ....... 57 9

Bank Stock 217 19 Portuguese 4 per Cents 49 51 Exchequer Bills 8 12 pin. Russian 5 per Cents 111-13 India Stock 234 6 Ditto 41 per Cents 98 100 Austrian 5 per Cents 87 90 Spanish 3 per Cents 441 51

Brazilian 5 per Cents 101 3 Ditto Deferred • 244 i

Belgian 4/ per Cents.......... 97 9 Sardinian 5 per Cents 91 3 Chilian 6 per Cents 104 6 Swedish 4 per Cents 85 8 Danish 5 per Cents 103 5 Turkish 6 per Cents 103 Danish 3 pe Cents 83 5 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed. 104

BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 24 day of Aug. 1858. min DEPAMIKENT.

Notes issued 426,271,095 Government Debt 411,015,100 Other Securities 3,459,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 11,798,095

Silver Bullion

426,271,095 416,271,095


Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 Government Securities (inclu Rest. 3,364,781 ding Dead Weight Annuity). 419,483,045 Public Deposits. 3,677,416 Other Securities 14,186,000 Other Deposits 10,581,413 Notes 5,794,655 Seven Days and other Bills... 923,865 Gold and Silver Coin a• • 636,775

433,100,475 433,100,475

• including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Accts..