9 AUGUST 1856, page 6


Space and the late period of the week at which the reports arrived did not permit us to give more than a brief mention of the trial at Edinburgh, M`Laren. versus Ritchie and......


Last week, three gentlemen from Manchester, Mr. Fairbaim acting as spokesman waited on the Earl of Carlisle to lay before him an account of the Exhibition of Art Treasures to be......

Master Murphy Has Placed On The File Of The Proceedings

in the Tipperary Bank ease a minute to relieve himself from two charges—an improper private examination of James Sadleir, and an acquittal of him in regard to fraud. He shows......

Ireland, Not Usually Prolific In Railway "accidents," Has...

quota to the crop of the week. Near Newry, on the Belfast Junction Railway—a single line—a luggage-train ran into a truck propelled by a ballast-engine ; in the truck were four......

The Cork Examiner Reports, That While The Potato Crop In

general is very fine, there are indications here and there of disease.......

S Fortigu Anii Colonial. ,fraurt.—the Emperor Did Not...

Saturday, as had been announced ; but the Moniteur now states that he will return to Paris today. A ludicrous incident which occurred at Plombieres has afforded much amusement.......