The Infistenee Of Christianity , On Civilisation. Br...
It is not a difficult thing to make a case by taking.the good attertain Re-. Hods of history and ascribing it to some creed or institution, orto trace the • evil of some other......
The Titles Of The Following Explain Themselves. M. De...
translation of Longfellow is not a new edition, though it may possibly be a reprint from a Jersey periodical. The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. The Text carefully......
Dramatic Songs, For Soprano, Contralto, Tenor, And Bass...
Mr. Fitzwilliam does not publish his songs in flying leaves, according to the fashion of the day, but in goodly volumes, as our composers used to do in olden times. The......
/int Arts.
THE GLASGOW ART UNION IN LONDON. The ArtUnion of Glasgow is exhibiting the pictures which have gained its prizes; the place of exhibition being the well-known rooms of the......
- 'j T1llfli.
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 8. WAR DF.PAIITSIMST, Pall Mall, Aug. 8.—Cavalry—lst Regiment of Life Guards— The second Christian name of Cornet and Sub-Lieut. Duncombe is......