9 AUGUST 1856, Page 18

The titles of the following explain themselves. M. De Chatelain's

translation of Longfellow is not a new edition, though it may possibly be a reprint from a Jersey periodical.

The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. The Text carefully revised, with Notes, by Samuel Weller Singer, F.S.A. The Life of the Poet, and Critical Essays on the Plays, by William Watkiss Lloyd, M.R.S.L., &c. &c. Volume VIII.

Life of George Washington. By Washington Irving. Volume III.

History of the Conquest of England by the Normans; its Causes, and its Consequences, in England, Scotland, Ireland, and on the Continent. By Augus tin Thierry, Member of the Institute. Translated from the seventh Paris edition by William Hazlitt, Esq. In two volumes. Volume II. (Bohn's Standard Library.) Evangeline; suivie des Vote de la Nail. Fames traduits de H. W. Longfellow, par le Chevalier De Chatelain, Traducteur de Chaucer et de Gay.


North Wales or Vetwdotia. By the Rev. R. W. Morgan, Author of "Christianity and Modern Infidelity," &c.—The object of Trettedotia is to draw attention to North Wales by exhibiting its scenery, people, legends, traditions, &c. In this flint part, it appears to us that legends and historical antiquities of questionable authenticity predominate too much for popular purposes.