9 AUGUST 1856, page 9

It Has Been Recently Stated In A New York Journal,

that people in the city are largely engaged in the slave-trade between Africa and Cuba. A vessel is selected, not too valuable ; a crew is got together by false pretences, and......

"w. A. Hunt," Writing To The Morning Post, Suggests That

one cause of the disproportion between the price of wheat and bread is "the immense amount of bad debts which bakers are subjected to." Nor, he adds, "do I believe that any......

Some Of The Representatives In The American Congress Have...

driven by the great heat of the weather to use fans during their legislative labours ! The heat has been so intense in Paris that several accidents have occurred front workmen......

Dowell, A Soldier Of The Thirty-second Regiment, Has Been...

at Chatham for blowing oft' his right hand, by firing two bullets through it : his object was to get discharged from the Army ; in all probability his sentence will not ratify......


On the 23d June, at Bombay, the Wife of Sir William Yardley, of a daughter. On the 26th July, Mrs. Mark Lemon, of a daughter. On the 1st August, in Eaton Square Lady Troubridge,......


SATURDAY, The report that the British fleet would renter the Black Sea, in order to promote the fulfilment of the treaty of Paris, is corroborated this morning by the following......