Dowell, a soldier of the Thirty-second Regiment, has been tried
at Chatham for blowing oft' his right hand, by firing two bullets through it : his object was to get discharged from the Army ; in all probability his sentence will not ratify this wish. Dowell's temper had been soured by on imprisonment inflicted by a Court-martial for "desertion," he having been absent only two hours.
A fearful explosion occurred at the Turkish town of Salonica on the 15th .July. A fire broke out in some warehouses, and extended to a store belonging to a Frenchman : there were 240 barrels of gunpowder in this store, which exploded. The killed and wounded by the disaster are estimated at a thousand.
A full-grown adder has been found in the streets of Wakefield : when discovered it stood on the defensive ; but it was quickly despatched.