9 AUGUST 1856, Page 2


The London Corporation have been making their septennial trip to the boundaries of their Jurisdiction in respect to the Thames and the Medway. On Wednesday they were entertained by the Corporation of Rochester; and after dinner, in proposing the prosperity of that city, Lord Mayor Salomons stated his opinions on the progress of centralization

" There never was a period in the history of this country when it was ' more desirable than the present for all corporations and all jurisdictions to make common cause for the purpose of repelling unjust aggression. The Government of the country has existed and lasted through these independent jurisdictions and I believe that one of the most important principles of independencebelonging to the people of this country is that of managing their own affairs, taxing their own localities, and considering their own disputes, instead of being governed in any form whatever through the medium of a central authority in Downing Street ; and I believe that in asserting these principles we are asserting and carrying outthe true principles of the

constitution, such as it existed in Saxon times, such as it exists at the present time, and such as it should exist in times to come." (Loud cheenng.) These sentiments were teeiprocated by the local powers.