There has been a general scattering of Ministers since the prorogation of Parliament.
Mr. Robert Lowe has left England for a tour in the United States.
Lord Palmerston will visit Manchester, for the first time, on the 9th of next month, to inaugurate with an oration the new building of the Mechanics' Institute. He will be the guest of Sir Benjamin Heywood.
Sir William Williams having deferred his visit te Nova Scotia, has reassumed his command of Woolwich garrison.
M. Thiers has gone to Germany, to visit, it is said, the battle-fields of Lutzen., Bautzen, Leipsic, &c., with a view to accurate description of thesescenes
in his History.
The Conslitutionnel prints a letter from St. Petersburg, containing the following passage. "Among the numerous foreigners seen here of late, there is one whose appearance has produced a certain sensation. I allude to the famous Sir Charles Napier. Various causes are assigned for his visit; and, curiously enough, that which is most absurd is the most generally credited—namely, that Sir Charles has come here to win a wager, which, it is declared, he had formerly made, that he would breakfast at Cronstadt and dine at St. Petersburg on the same day. It is further said, that as these two pleasing operations have been effected by him between sunrise and sunset, he has won his bet. What I can, however, inform yolk of with certainty is, that the Emperor despatched an invitation to him by an aide-de-camp offering him a suite of rooms in one of the Crown palaces.'
Professor Sedgwick has cancelled two bonds of 601. each which he held of the Philosophical Society of Cambridge ; thus making the munificent donation of 100/. to the funds of the Society."