14 JULY 1973

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SEP 2 5 1973 The truth

The Spectator

about money There is no spectacle so ridiculous as a bunch of international bankers or finance ministers gathered together in some financial capital trying to resolve yet...

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Joyce and Beckett

The Spectator

Sir: Richard Luckett, in his sympa:* thetic review of two new studies of Joyce and Beckett (June 23) raises a very fundamental problem which the space of his review doesn't...

Above suspicion?

The Spectator

Sir: If all MPs were honourable gentlemen cast in the same mould as the Right Hon. J. Enoch Powell and, say, Mr Dennis Skinner,the proposal for a register of members' sources of...

Pyotr Yakin •

The Spectator

Sir: Because Robert Conquest (Letters, i s ,,. June 16) attacked me, and not vice i ht versa, and since his position is far betEr , ter known than mine, fair play should ou...

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pulsory integration

The Spectator

Mrs B. Hughes I must say I thought David War. 11 Ryder's article on compulsory in; ,.1ItIon (June 23) very biased in rout of the view which it most e ases him to hold. In his...

Whose freedom?

The Spectator

Sir: I will leave others to refute Mr Etazarov's leapfrogging propositions (Letters, June 23); they illustrate rather satisfyingly the well known defects of dialetcit — but feel...

Israel and the Arabs

The Spectator

Sir: The Zionist claim to Israel is not " based solely on the fact that the Jews invaded and occupied the country for a comparative brief period 2,000 years ago" as Mrs Woolfson...

From Mrs M. K. Loncar Sir: Surely Mr Adler has

The Spectator

misread Marion Woolfson's letter? She did not give it as her own opinion that the Arabs were descended from the Amalekites, but quoted from an Israeli, 'book. I agree, and...

Parliamentary sovereignty

The Spectator

Sir: Mr R. L. Travers would appear to believe that Mr Powell and 'his adherents' accept that the same degree of (parliamentary) sovereignty exists in the European Community...

Sir: Mr Kevan Bleach (June 23) should read in full

The Spectator

the Stockport speech of Mr Enoch Powell, who drew a parallel with the occasion in 1886 when Chamberlain and his friends were prepared to vote with their lifelong Tory enemies...

Shaw and Shakespeare

The Spectator

Sir: Christopher Sykes and your readers may like to know that at Birmingham in 1904, Bernard Shaw proved he had written the works of William Shakespeare and not Francis Bacon....

New English Library

The Spectator

Sir: I am sorry to have to write to you again, but in your issue of June 16 (Bookend column) you mentioned — and here I quote — " His counterpart at New English Library, Sir...

lain Macleod

The Spectator

Sir: I crave your indulgence in bringing to the attention of your readers the Appeal for a Memorial to the late lain Macleod which is being launched next week. Many of them will...

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, 1 1;1itical Commentary , lot getting the message

The Spectator

trick Cosgrave Other day the headmaster of the Opposi(Mr Harold Wilson) summoned the PoliEditor of the Times to his study and hed a cane at him. In spite of the presof some...

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The Spectator

pologia transfugae Ugh Trevor-Roper e print below the text of Hugh TrevorPer's Presidential Address, delivered as sident of the Joint Association of Classical chers at the...

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The Spectator

Essex—the end of the honeymoon Andrew Stephen This is always the best time of the year at Essex University. The grey tower block monstrosities, around which North Sea gales...


The Spectator

Chestnuts in blossom Denis Wood Spanish chestnuts have their catkin flowers in July, yellowishgreen feathery plumes, a fine sight at high summer. They are sturdy, masculine...

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Juliette's weekly frolic

The Spectator

Ascot puts the entire contents of the kitchen garden into its Pimms and very good Itis too, but try the ,same drink at Kempton Park and you'll be sadly disappointed. A solitary...

'The Good Life

The Spectator

Not playing the game Pamela Vandyke Price Just as summer is signified — at , least in London — by a ,rush of pneuMatic drills to the roads, so the minds of many, newsprint,...

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Richard Luckett on Dr Rowse and the sonnets

The Spectator

Self blinding error seazeth all those mindes Who with false Appellations call that love Which alters all when it alteration findes, Or with the mover hath a power to move; Not...

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A liberal in academe

The Spectator

Rhodes Boyson Dons and Students John MacCullum Scoit (Plume Press/Ward Lock 0.60) This is an urbane book written by one of our few genuine liberals, a man who appears to have...

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Society and the scientists

The Spectator

John Maddox What Is Science For? Bernard Dixon (Collins £2.50) Dr Bernard Dixon, the editor of New Scientist, has written a well-tempered and welldocumented account of the...

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Fascism at '0' level

The Spectator

John Groser Revolutions of our Time — Fascism OttoErnst Schtiddekopf (Weidenfeld and Nicolson £2.75). Shortly after fascism had reached its inglorious end in Italy in July...

Bill Platypus's

The Spectator

Paperbacks We begin with the first mention in this column of the Signet Classics, series — a popular series that seems to have cornered the more arcane recesses of the highbrow...

Both sides of the coin

The Spectator

Tony Palmer Doctor in the Nude Richard Gordon (Heinemann £1.60) First Love Samuel Beckett (Calder and Boyars £1.50) Richard Gordon is one of that happy breed of authors who...

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Cosgrave's crime compendium

The Spectator

There are two very interesting pairs of books under scrutiny this week, each pair in a sub-genre which has become increasingly Popular, and increasingly developed, in recent...


The Spectator

Bookend "I never refuse the press," said Granada Publishing's managing director Jim Reynolds, in a reminiscing article he threatens to turn into a book. The press, however,...

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Kenneth Hurren on Ayekbouni's singularly absurd persons

The Spectator

There was just a whisper of evidence in his last play, Time and Time Again, that Alan Ayckbourn, perhaps the most consistently ingenious of our comedy writers, was becoming...


The Spectator

Curiouser and curiouser Christopher Hudson Live and Let Die croons Paul McCartney over the credits — but no film mogul in his right mind is going to let 007 breathe his last...

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The Spectator

Falling standards Rodney %Ines "I would not produce an opera (particularly with comedy) in a language that the audience does not understand." Thus, a year or two back, Peter...


The Spectator

Inside story David Rees Last week's Play for Today ' on BBC-I, Making the Play, obviously posed a tricky challenge to the authors, Terence Brady and Char lotte Bingham....

Will Waspe

The Spectator

William Douglas Home, whose well-established piece. Lloyd George Knew My Father, isn't, of course, about Lloyd George, has a new play, At the End of the Day, which is about...

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I Ballet

The Spectator

Taylor-made for Nureyev Robin Young It was an exceptional week. Strange to think that the Paul Taylor dance company could not get a London theatre until they enlisted Rudolf...

Hundreds of hundreds

The Spectator

- Benny Green _ Last Thursday afternoon, at twenty minutes to five on the Maidstone county ground, a friendlylooking man only very slightly impeded by the cummerbund of...

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Your money on the Stock Exchange

The Spectator

Nicholas Davenport There is such a bad-tempered bear market running in the City that when that wondrous Knight Weinstock raised the pre-tax profits of his great conglomerate...

:Account gamble

The Spectator

Hopes from Howden John Bull Once again those familiar clouds are forming over the stock market and I am definitely less confident about recommending a share this week. Even so...

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The Spectator

Bounce in Revertex 'Nephew Wilds The smooth and well-groomed stockbroker, Wotherspool, walk ing down Throgmorton Street exudes an air of respectability. How'ever 1 have...