14 MAY 1898

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NEWS OF THE WEEK • S O great is the number

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of telegrams, so ignorant are many of those who draft them, and, we must add, so near are some of them to pure inventions, that it is difficult to record in brief the weekly...

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ENGLAND, FRANCE, AND WEST AFRICA. T HE close-time for Boussa and the West African question is nearly over. It was tacitly agreed that neither England nor France should insist...

ThE WAR. T HE War, which is developing alike the devoted

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courage and the bewildering inefficiency of the Spanish'people—that "fatigued people," as their Colonial Minister calls them—develops also the efficiency and audacity of their...

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THE PERIL IN ITALY. T HE stars in their courses seem

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to be fighting against; the Latin peoples. We see what is happening to the Spaniards, the French will feel terribly the reflex- effect of the Spanish losses, and now the...

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W E cannot profess to wish the Home-rule party well. Therefore it is with considerable equanimity that we watch the movement that is taking place for the rehabilitation of Lord...

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THE FRENCH ELECTIONS. R EPRESENTATIVE government is not prospering among the

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Latin races. The Italians not only do not trust their Parliament, but in their hopelessness of aid from its deliberations they have risen against its agents in an aimless and...

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M R. KENSIT cannot exactly say that he awoke one morning and found himself famous. At all events, between the awaking and the discovery be had time to visit several churches....

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I T is asserted that early application will be made to the proper authorities for power to construct a light railway across Exmoor. The alleged reason for so utterly...

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Generalissimo, in receipt of £25,000 a year. Prince Bismarck was refused the desire of his heart, which was, as Duke of Lauenburg, to be admitted into the ranks of the Sovereign...

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M ANY people will doubtless be surprised to hear that there is anything to be said in favour of the shark. The Sgualae have so long been subject to cruelty only possible to...

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AN ENGLISHMAN IN SPAIN.—I. [To TEL EDITOR Or TEL "SPECTATOR."] Americanos ! Amerieanos ! " It was with this un- Pleasant and suggestive cry, coupled with an odd kind of...

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THE FATE OF THE PHILIPPINES. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your article on "The Fate of the Philippines" in the Spectator of May 7th, you state as reasons why...


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[TO THE EDITOZ OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—Your interesting and suggestive article in the Spectator of May 7th under the heading of "Lord Salisbury's Speech ". is one which...

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SIR,—I am indebted to you for assisting me in my

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efforts to call public attention to the many serious drawbacks of "limited liability," by alluding to the main contentions of my recent Nineteenth Century article. There have...

an old reader of the Spectator, I ask for a

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little space to express my dissent from your view, that in this unhappy quarrel the Americans have justice on their side. It seems to me that if they sought justice in this...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Your admirable note on thie subject seems to hint, if it does not suggest, that a word of sympathy should go out from the House of...

SIR,—Yon ask in your article on "The Decay of Spain"

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in the Spectator of April 30th how the decay is to be explained except by the existence of some "root of inefficiency" in the Spanish race; and you support your question by a...

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rro TIM EDITOR OF TRZ " SPECTATOR:1 SIR, — The letter of "X. X. X." in the Spectator of April 30th brought to my mind the following :—Some five and forty years ago I was on...


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To TUX EDITOR 01 TIZ "BrEcrAToa. - ] Sin—There seems reason to believe that in the Middle Ages vineyards were not confined to the South of England. Ancient field-names are known...


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[To THE EDTTOR OF TH2 " fil'ECTATOR."] SITZ, — I send you herewith a sample of the new Florida pro- duct,—the wonderful velvet bean. Up to two years ago it was grown here in a...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR,—In the Spectator of April 30th you define an Anglo- Saxon as "one who has been brought up to speak English from a child, and whose...


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THE DREAM OF THE SPANISH ADMIRAL. A D. 1541. IN slumber as the morning broke (It was our homeward voyage to Spain) Methought I gave a parting look At the New World beyond the...


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TER "BrscrAroa.") Snl,—Comparison is, no doubt, permissible in a review, per- haps sometimes inevitable ; but it is a weapon of criticism which should be used with the utmost...


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[TO THZ EDITOR OF THZ “srscrAroa.1 Siu,—In the review of my book, " The Potentate," which appeared in the Spectator of April 30th, my critic quotes certain names which he...

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THE ACADEMY.—II. THE moment chosen by Mr. Abbey for his illustration of King Lear (No. 188) is that when Cordelia regretfully com- mits the King to the charge of her sisters....

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DEAN CHURCH'S VILLAGE SERMONS.* 'THE late Dean of St. Paul's possessed such eminent gifts for public service, that regret has sometimes been expressed that he was permitted to...

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VAGRANTS.* THE fragments here collected are of unequal value and

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vary- ing interest. The chapters devoted to the Jew are worth recovery, despite their prejudice, while the reflections upon El Islam are inspired with the eloquence that comes...

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CoaPus CHRISTI, which has a precedence in respect of antiquity of seventy-nine years over Lincoln—the dates are 1350 and 1429—owes its origin to the unusual zeal or prudence of...

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MISS M. BETHAM-EDWARDS'S REMINISCENCES.* A WOMAN gifted with much shrewdness

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of observation and experience of life, who is not without a sense of humour, and is blessed with the pen of a ready writer, cannot fail in relating her memories of the past to...

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as the Northern Frontier is a problem that has yet

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to be solved by the politician, it must remain " a source of perpetual joy to the soldier. " That strikes one as being rather an extreme view to take of such a campaign as the...

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We have to notice in the briefest way four volumes of bio- graphy — Thomas Best Jervis, by his Son, W. P. Jervis (Elliot Stock), is described as a "Centenary Tribute," relating...

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The Debateable Land. By J. C. Tarver (I. Constable and

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Co.) —It may be doubted whether during recent years there has been published a more important or suggestive book dealing with secondary education than this volume of essays by...

A Benedictine Martyr in England. By Dom Bede Camm. O.S.B.

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(Bliss, Sands, and Co. 7s. 6d.)—This volume, which is an account of the "life and times of the venerable servant of God, Dom John Roberts, 0.S.B.." a Roman Catholic "martyr" who...

Thoughts on the Lord's Prayer. By E. Wordsworth. (Longmans and

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Co.) —These lectures of Miss Wordsworth's, though written in the first place for the students of Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, may be read with pleasure and profit by the ordinary...

Sunday School Success. By Amos R. Wells. (The Sunday School

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Union.)—The author of this volume describes it as "a book of practical methods for Sunday-school teachers and others," but among hie " methods " he does not mention a gift of...

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Thoughts from Keats Selected from his Letters. By P. E.

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Gertrude Girdlestone. (George Allen.)—It cannot be said of this attractive-looking little volume that it contains "infinite riches in a little room." A great poet like Keats...

New Zealand. By the Hon. William Pember Reeves. "Story of

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Empire Series." (Horace Marshall.)—As an outline this book of one hundred and eighty pages is admirable. No important sec- tion of the fascinating story is left out. Proportion,...

MoliJre and his Medical Associations. By A. M. Brown, M.D.

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(The Cotton Press.)—We wish that Dr. Brown had kept to his point. His sub-title very much enlarges the scope of his book: "Glimpses of the Court and Stage—the Faculties and...

Mango Park. By T. Banks Maclaclan. (Oliphant and Co.) —Among

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the many wonderful stories of African exploration told during the last century there is not one more interesting and pathetic than that of hlungo Park. if poets are not made,...

A Teat-Book of Botany. By Drs. E. Strasburger, H. Schenck,

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Fritz Noll, and A. F. W. Schimper. Translated from the German by H. C. Porter, Ph.D., Assistant-Instructor of Botany. University of Pennsylvania. With 694 Illustrations, in part...

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add, that is disputable in Mr. Witt's lectures, or shall

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we call them sermons ? (They have a text prefixed to them in sermon fashion.) He conjectures, for instance, that the first eleven chap- ters of Genesis were originally...

Lord Stratford de Redeliffe. By A. L. Lee. (Nisbet and

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Co.)— This "sketch," as it is styled on the title-page, is an abridg- ment of Mr. Stanley Lane-Poole's "Life of Stratford Canning." It appears opportunely. "Oh for an hour of...

(Queen's College, 43 and 45 Harley Street.)—The Rev. F. D.

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Maurice delivered a lecture on the objects and methods of a College which it was proposed to open for the education of females. This was on March 29th, 1848. The College set to...

The Laws of Bridge, by " Boar," and How to Play

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Bridge, by "Bradsworth " (Thomas De La Rue and Co.)—These two titles make up one slender volume of eighty pages. " Bridge " is a bastard whist, not unlikely, it would seem, to...

The Classical Review. April. (D. Nutt.)—The two most considerable articles

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in this number are Mr. W Wyse's "Athena Polias at Athens," and Professor Jebb's "Notes on Bacchylides." Mr. Wyse argues from the evidence of the Corpus inscriptionum Atticarum...

English Local Government of To - Day. By Milo Roy Maltbee, Ph.D.

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(Columbia University, New York.)—This is one of the " Studies " periodically published by the Faculty of Political Science in the University of Columbia. A well-informed...

PUBLICATIONS OF THE WEEK; Agnew (P. L.), A Run through

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"The Nffielang's Ring," or 8vo (Bradbiu7) Andom (R.), Side Slips; or, Misadventures on a Bicycle, or 8vo...(Pearson) Aspirations of the Devout Soul, pref. by H. 0. Pollock,...

XLGAZINES AND &DIAL PUBLICATIONS.—We have received the following for May

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: — The Century, the Pall Mall Magazine, St. Nicholas, Macmillan's Magazine, the Review of Reviews, Blackwood's Magazine. the Cornhill Magazine, the North American Retriel.O....

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Applications for Copies of the SPECTATOR, and Communications upon matters

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of business, should NOT be addressed to the EDITOR, but to the Pormtsuart, 1 Wellington Street, Strand, W.C.

The SPECTATOR is on Sale regularly at MESSRS. DAMRELL AND

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UPHAM'S, 283 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., U.S.A.; THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS COMPANY, 83 and 85 Duane Street, New York, U.S.A.; MEssus. BRENTANO'S, Union Square, New York,...

[*.* All books reviewed have the published price attached, so

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tar as can be ascertained by us. This applies only to books issued above 6s. in price.]

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NOTICE.—The INDEX to the SPECTATOR is published half- yearly, from

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January to June, and from July to December, on the third Saturday in January and July. Meth Cases for the Half- yearly Volumes may be obtained throu g h any Bookseller or...