18 DECEMBER 1959

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The Spectator

rinFic West came together under the threat- ' whether real or imagined is immaterial, for it was undoubtedly feared—of Soviet military aggression. The present paradox is that...

— Portrait of the Week —

The Spectator

THE NATO COUNCIL MET, and President Eisenhower, Mr. Macmillan and Dr. Adenauer converged on Paris. In the meantime, President Eisenhower had spoken in India of support for her...

The Spectator

The Spectator

No. 6860 Established 1828 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1959

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Contempt of Court

The Spectator

rust. as doses of a drug may cure patients of a j disease only at the risk of producing even more unpleasant symptoms as its side-effects. so there are times when the too-ready...

Pink 'Un

The Spectator

M R. N1 AR PLEs's Pink Zone has now been in operation long enough to assess its merits; and on balance he was justified when he claimed on Tuesday that it had proved a...


The Spectator

Owing to the holiday period, the Spectator is being published a day early this week, and two days early (Wednesday, December 23) next week.


The Spectator

M R. 11., .s. LEK'S hint that the Government might be willing to consider imposing economic sanctions on the Republic of Ireland, if the Republic does not do more to stop...

Yugoslavia and the BBC

The Spectator

' N his letter to the Spectator last week on the BBC's Yugoslav service, Peter Wiles put for- mally a number of questions which have been asked by implication in our...

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Is It Peace ?

The Spectator

From DARSIE GILLIE PARIS I N the middle of November, after President de Gaulle's press conference, optimism about Peace in Algeria was general. To the promise of...

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Preparing for a Visitor

The Spectator

rrHE American Ambassador, who often seems 1 to think that the most important part of his duties is to be Public Relations Officer to General Franco, has lately been having some...

A Spectator's Notebook

The Spectator

Pressure Group current issue of Shopper's Guide, the publication in which the Consumer Advisory Coun- cil reports its investigations into the comparative qualities of different...

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The Dirtiest Job in the World

The Spectator

By KENNETH MACKENZIE T HERE is a man in Cape Town - --a courteous Afrikaner called Mr. M. N. S. Riekert- whose job it is to summon people into his otlice and scrutinise them;...

The Democrats' Choice

The Spectator

By ROY JENKINS, M I' T HE atmosphere in the American Democratic Party, as the beginning of election year approaches, is hardly one of overweening confi- dence. No one doubts...

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Tapping and Taping By JOHN KEPPEL FI FAE is how you

The Spectator

can, if you wish, fake evi- dence on a recorded tape. I will write down the instructions very simply, and you will find it very easy to do, after a little practice. I am no...

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The Spectator

SIR,—May I draw attention to a point not brought out in your leading article (Spectator, December 4. 1959) The Tappers Return? The Birkett Committee, on whose findings the...

SIR.—Mr. Levin's splendid and important report on the monster of

The Spectator

Piccadilly Circus raises two separate questions. The first is what to do about our rebuilding and town planning. The tragedy is that the ordinary man, even the ordinary...

SIR, —The parade of former Spanish soldiers of the ) British Army

The Spectator

and their friends, from the Admiralty Arch to the Cenotaph, in order to lay a wreath there In memory of the Spaniards, and English and men of every nationality, who died in the...

THE BBC's YUGOSLAV SERVICE SIR,—With reference to your correspondence on

The Spectator

the BBC's Yugoslav service, the following facts may he of interest : About two years ago the Yugoslav service invited a Mr. M. Gregovic from Belgrade to work in London. Mr....


The Spectator

Sta.—After reading Bernard Levin's 'Piccadilly Story,' I recalled 'The City Beautiful' theme of hundreds of speeches I had delivered on Labour platforms between the two world...

Franco's Spain J. Moreno. Jose Antonio Balbontin

The Spectator

Telephone-Tapping The Warden of All Souls The Monster of Piccadilly Circus Sidney R. Campion, Patrick Hut ber The BBC's Yugoslav Service Michael L. Derry, Stjepan Grabovac, O....

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The Spectator

SIR, — Mr. Whitehead, of the NUM, deplores the article (Spectator, October 9) on the Seven Sisters Colliery dispute; nevertheless, your correspondent's strictures, though harsh,...

SIR,—Mr. Wiles believes the FO's denial that it exer- cises

The Spectator

any control over the BBC's External Services; Yet he accepts the existence of 'some influence.' It is exactly this kind of no man's land—ill-defined and im- Possible to...

SIR.— Leaving the BBC's Yugoslav Service alone, as others seem to

The Spectator

have plenty to say about it, I must challenge Mr. Robb-King's sweeping statement that the Yugoslays are not oppressed and that they do not live in a Police State. Yugoslavia is...

SIR,— May we call attention to a misfortune that has befallen

The Spectator

Mr. C. H. Rolph, a distinguished journalist who, in a broadcast. utilised material supplied to him for the purpose by the BBC and found himself sub- sequently penalised to the...


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