20 AUGUST 1887

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The firmness of the Government in insisting on the Lords'

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amendments will, we hope and believe, be followed up by a proclamation of the National League in the manner anticipated by Colonel Saunderson in his speech at Ramsey on...

The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any case.

The Spectator


The Spectator

TN the House of Commons yesterday week, the consideration 1 of the Lords' amendments to the Land Bill gave rise to a serious hitch. Mr. Parnell made a vehement attack on the...

In the Northwich Division of Cheshire, Mr. Brunner, the Gladstouian

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candidate, was returned on Saturday with a majority slightly greater than in 1885, the Unionist reaction of 1886 having apparently disappeared and left no trace behind. Mr....

When the two reserved Lords' amendments came on for dis-

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cussion on Thursday, Mr. Balfour moved in both cases to agree with them, and carried both,—the one as to town parks by 206 to 164 (majority, 42), Mr. Chamberlain and Mr. Jesse...

On Sunday last, Prince Ferdinand took the oath to the

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Con- stitution at Tirnova. His proclamation, read out to the Great Sobranje, ended with the expression, " Long live free and inde- pendent Bulgaria !" These words were taken rip...

Nevertheless, the debate on this amendment waxed very hot, and

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even Mr. Chamberlain professed himself discontented with the instruction proposed by the Government, and wanted to substi- tute for it an instruction to the Commissioners to...

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Mr. Justice Field's sentence of eight years' penal servitude on

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Miriam Jones, who had been found guilty by a Swansea jury of putting her child into a disused mine with the inten- tion of killing it, has been made the occasion of a monstrous...

Mr. Gladstone on Tuesday laid the first cylinder of the

The Spectator

new railway-bridge over the Dee, between Chester and Flint, thus connecting Wales with Liverpool, Manchester, and the North of England. By this line, the Manchester, Sheffield,...

Among the various efforts which have been made to discredit

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the Government, none has been more determined than the dead set made at the Chancellor of the Exchequer's very " innocent" little Inland Revenue Bill. The object of this Bill...

On Thursday evening, Mr. W. H. Smith announced in the.

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House of Commons that the Government, while recognising the importance of the measure, had been compelled to abandon the Tithes Bill. We cannot help again expressing our extreme...

In the speech subsequently made at the luncheon which took

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place in a tent close to the new bridge, Mr. Gladstone dilated on the markets for the coal of North Wales which this new line would probably open up, and on the new markets for...

Daring the past week, Parliament has occupied a considerable amount

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of time in passing the Coal-Mines Regulation Bill through Committee,—a measure, in the main, directed towards the safety of the miners. The discussion on Mr. Williamson's...

Bouvier, the French Premier, is showing more ability and character

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than were attributed to him at the time he formed his Government. In a speech made on Thursday at a dinner given by the toymakers and jewellers, he dwelt with pride on his...

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A pamphlet has lately been published in Paris by the

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Abbd Larrien, formerly a missionary in China, in which he seeks to demonstrate that the Great Wall of China does not exist, and never has existed. According to the Abb6, the...

Lord Rosebery was entertaining, as usual, at Manchester on Wednesday.

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He went to Manchester to see the Exhibition, and he made two speeches there,—one in aid of the Melbourne Exhibition, to which he exhorted our manufacturers to send specimens of...

The inquiry into the causes of the burning down of

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a portion of Mr. Whiteley's premises has not as yet resulted in the pro- duction of any evidence to show how the fire arose. Colonel Majendie, the Chief Inspector under the...

It is stated in a telegram from Simla that no

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fewer than 70,000 persons died from cholera in the North-West Provinces during June and July, being 1 per cent. of the population. For a two months' mortality that is large,...

The question of the reprieve of the prisoner Lipski, a

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Polish Jew, condemned to death at the Old Bailey for the murder of Miriam Angel, a young married woman, found dead in her room at 16 Batty Street, Whitechapel, has been...

The recent attempt made by some French aeronauts to reach

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a great height above the earth, has not been productive of any particular scientific results. The balloon in which the ascent was made reached an altitude of over 20,000 feet...

On Wednesday, Lady Burdett-Coutts opened at Baltimore, in West Cork,

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an industrial fishing-school, which is to be accessible to all Irish boys, who will learn there the most approved modes of fishing, as well as carpentering, coopering,...

Bank Rate, 3 per cent, Consols were on Friday 101-i

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to 101/.

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T HE reverse in Cheshire shows, like most of the by-elections which have recently taken place, that it is impossible to keep the minds of our British con- stituencies fixed on a...


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THE GOVERNMENT AND THE LIBERAL UNIONISTS. B Y their firmness on Thursday night, the Government have greatly improved their position, and have raised the confidence of their...

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W HAT is the explanation of Prince Ferdinand's sudden acceptance of the throne of Bulgaria, after so much caution and apparent hesitation ? Has he a secret understanding with...

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I T is rather a superfluity of malice in the Times to suggest that Mr. Gladstone's statement, in his Welsh speech of Tuesday, that he approved Sir Edward Watkin's scheme for...


The Spectator

I T is an interesting fact that the grave question of public education has passed out of the domain of party, and that Sir William Hart-Dyke and Mr. Mundella can congratu- late...

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T HERE is perhaps no more gloomy or depressing sight to be met with in rural England than a row of cottages opening in front straight on to the dusty high-road, and cut off...

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W E have noticed with genuine regret the attacks which have recently been made on the Metropolitan Police. On the particular case which has last supplied an occasion for them,...

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N OW that moat of one's friends are already in Switzerland, good advice about travel, we fear, must be offered with a sense of unpunctuality,—not, indeed, unusual in its...

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M R. GUGGENBERGER, in his interesting paper on "Doge in Germany," in the current number of the Nineteenth Century, asserts that dogs play " a conspicuous social part in German...

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A BILL introduced this Session into the House of Lords for the further revision of the Statutes, and for the repeal of "spent," "superseded," and obsolete laws, serves to remind...

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EXPERIENCE IN IRELAND.—IL EPROM a CORRESPONDENT.] Ix my last letter, I took occasion to observe that even with the reduction in rents which the new Land Bill would probably...

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PROFESSOR DICEY ON UNIONIST DELUSIONS.—IL [To Tar Boma or Tar .Brzerrrox..] Sts,—No idea more disastrously weakens the hands of Unionists than the belief that the Home-role...

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[To ram liwror or rev EIrscrAror."]

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Sia,—The opinions expressed by Mr. Dicey in his letter to you appearing in your paper of the 6th inst. cannot be too widely made known. The principle of expediency of concession...

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[To THE EDITOR OF TEE . SescrAros."] SIR,—I have to thank

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you for your courtesy in inserting my letter in the Spectator of August 13th; but I hope you will allow me to say that I cannot admit the justice of your criticism that I have...

[To THE EDITOR on THE “fhownrOs."] SIR,—Professor Dicey has written

The Spectator

so powerfnl an argument against Home-rule, that many Liberals who maintain their allegiance to the cause are obliged reluctantly to admit that he has not yet been answered ; and...


The Spectator

[To nas Emma On ma BPECTRTOR."] SIR, — For the last fifty years I have been, and still am, an admirer of Mr. Gladstone ; and though I differ from his present policy on many...

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The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OE THE 4. firscT.vros."J SIR, — In a late number of the Spectator, alluding to the very impressive letter of Mr. William Morgans to the Colliery Guardian, you...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR Or THE SPEOTATOlt."] SIN — In your powerfully written review of " Au Agnostic Novel," you have several bitter references to Calvinism. You speak of it as a "...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR or THE " Sosomos."] BM — The action of the Bishop of Llandaff in sanctioning the dispossession of a curate in his diocese without first of all com- municating...

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The Spectator

.•SeacrATos."] SIR, —I know you have a high opinion of the dog's character, but of the "harmless, necessary cat" perhaps you may not think so well as he or she deserves. The...


The Spectator

THE BraCreves."] Sin, — I have only just seen your issue of the 6th inst., con- taining a letter from "A Grammar School Boy et son Pere," in reference to the distance covered...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR Or TIEIZ SrECSIITOO•"] Sre,—The writer of the deeply interesting article upon "The Ancient Sepulchral Reliefs at Athens," in the Spectator of August 13th, has...

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LADY MARY WORTLEY MONTAGII. 0 Tux literature of the Queen Anne age and of the early Georgian period has an irresistible attraction for many readers. That literature, indeed, is...

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MR. HISSEY certainly does good service in bringing to the notice of his tourist countrymen and women the too much neglected beauties of their own land ; and if he would but...

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LUCIUS CORNELIUS SULLA.• Hotnvar's edition of Plutarch's Life of Salle

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is worthy of Mr. Holden, and no farther praise of this interesting and valuable book is necessary. It is thoroughly adapted for the use of schoolboys, and is, at the same time,...

Page 23

ALEXIA.* IT is not often that so much delicate art

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is displayed in the telling of so slight a story as this. Not only is the plot so skilfully interwoven with the finer passion of the tale that it is almost spun, as it were, out...

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of Mr. Birrell's Obiter Dicta is not much, if it be at all, inferior to the first series, and no formal eulogy therefore is requisite for literary chit-chat which deserves the...


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Ir is not given to many to write for children such things as the small people really care for. If one has ever observed the manner in which an intelligent child regards a book...

Page 25

The Church of the Early Fathers : External History. By

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Alfred Plummer, M.A. (Longmans.)—This is an account of the spread of Christianity from the secession of Trojan down to the Edict of Toleration published at Milan,—a period of...


The Spectator

The version of the Baron de Mandat.Grancey's admirable Ches Paddy, which Messrs. Chapman and Hall have recently brought oat under the title of Paddy at Home, is a creditable...

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Ssamoxs. — England that is to Be, by William B.

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Philpot (Marshall Brothers), contains some twenty sermons reprinted from the Church of England Pulpit. Mr. Philpot's volume is not easy to review; bat, what is more to the...

A Second School Poetry - Book. Compiled by M. A. Woods. (Macmillan.)—One

The Spectator

notable feature of this selection is its originality. Miss Woods does not follow the common track of compilers. Some of the most popular of English poems, poems that generally...

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Book-Lore e a Magazine devoted to Old-Time Literature. Vol. V.

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December, 1886—May, 1887. (Elliot Stook.)—So far as print, paper, and binding are concerned, this magazine excels, we imagine, all its contemporaries. The valve of its contents...

Chronicles of the Coniston Family. By the Rev. E. G.

The Spectator

Charlee- worth. (Elliot Stook.)—There is very little to be said about this hook except that it is worth reading. It is evidently the work of one who knows what he M writing...

The Theory of International Trade. By C. Francis Beatable, M.A.

The Spectator

(Hodges, Figgie, and Co., Dublin.)—Professor Beatable expounds in this volume what may be described as the scientific basis of the Free- trade system. Free-traders ought to be...

Home Education. By Charlotte M. Mason. (Regan Pool, Trench, and

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Co.)—This volume contains "a course of lectures to larlies,' , delivered at Bradford. The first six are devoted to "The Education of Children under Nine Years of Age," the...

Defoe's Captain Singleton. Edited, with Introduction and Roles, by H.

The Spectator

Halliday Sperling. (Walter Scott.)—The minor novels of Defoe, especially "Moll Flanders" and "Rosana," are too gross in incident, and too monotonous in the delineation of vice...