20 JUNE 1958

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FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1958

The Spectator

Portrait of the Week— C YPRUS AND THE LEBANON continued their

The Spectator

tussle for the headlines, Algeria having temporarily given up. the struggle. And a far-off country of which we know only too much came back into the picture with grim news from...


The Spectator

K HRUSHCHEV, unable to lay his hands on Tito, has killed Imre Nagy. In doing so, he has shown that the Communist world is still sub- jugated by the system of terror and bad...

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The Spectator

D URING the famine in Ireland at the end of the Hungry Forties, it was not uncommon for coroners' juries, faced with a row of corpses, to bring in a verdict of 'Wilful Murder...


The Spectator

O NCE bitten twice shy' is evidently not a maxim that appeals to Western politicians. The Suez disaster was great enough, one would have thought, for the West not to want to...

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Westminster Commentary

The Spectator

LORD STANSGATE is 81 years old. What is more,- he is remarkably active, quick-witted and hale for a man of that age, and particularly for a man of that age whose life has been...

Commercial Principles

The Spectator

T HE vote of the London garages against ending the strike—for that was what it amounted to — must have come as a disagreeable surprise to those industrial correspondents who...

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A Spectator's Notebook

The Spectator

IT CAN AT LEAST be said for the Russians that their murder of Imre Nagy was in tune with their earlier treatment of him. I think it is worth while recalling the full tale of...

ON NOVEMBER 21 Janos Kadar, the Russian- installed Premier, wrote

The Spectator

to the Yugoslav Govern- ment guaranteeing Nagy a free return to his home. The note specifically asserted that 'it [the Hun- garian Government], has no intention of taking...


The Spectator

THE ATTACK made by the Conservatives' 19 22 Committee on Granada Television, for what j 5 alleged to be Left-wing bias in that compani 9 programmes, stems from an unlovely...

I AM SORRY to see that the habit of journalists

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being offered, and accepting, honours appears to be on the increase. For a great many years the tradition has been maintained that metropolitan journalists (journalists in the...

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recent abuses by the courts of their Contempt powers. Under

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the heading 'New Muzzle for Free Press' the writer pointed out that in the last two years a number of cases, notably the convictions of the People and of W. H. Smith and Sons,...

* * *

The Spectator

THE Daily Mail since Suez—when, after wobbling for a day or two, it decided that its duty was to follow its readers and support the invasion—has b een in a state of...

Can Hindi Suffice ?

The Spectator

By L. F. RUSHBROOK WILLIAMS T HE acute controversy raging in India over the questions if, how and when Hindi is to replace English ranks among the kind of headaches which...

THE SHOE begins to pinch at the point where the

The Spectator

honest lobby-fodder of the Tory Party conceive the idea that, given the chance, they could do as Well on television as Sir Robert, and assume that the fact that they are not...

I SEE the Diplomatic Correspondent of the News Chronicle claims

The Spectator

that Stalin directed his `How many divisions?' sneer at de Gaulle, as well as at the Pope. Is there in fact any first-hand account of his doing so? Remarks of this kind tend to...

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A Question of Privilege

The Spectator

By CHRISTOPHER HOLLIS M R. HOBGOBLIN: Mr. Speaker, I ask for your guidance on a matter of privilege. As 1 was leaving the House this evening at opening time, a person, alleging...

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Labour and the Schools

The Spectator

By STUART MACLURE T HE Labour Party's policy document on edu- cation, Learning to Live, has appeared at last and effectively corrects the garbled 'reports of its contents which...

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Isis and The Isis

The Spectator

By STRIX r is sad to think,' wrote the editor of The Isis _tin March, 1929, 'that from now on practically no-one will accuse us of libel, blasphemy, mis- r epresentation,...

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The Spectator

Actors SADLER'S WELLS was packed from pit to gallery for perfor- mance of the season by the Moscow Arts Theatre Company. Every wall was lined with the occupants of a few cubic...

Take a Card

The Spectator

By SIMON RAVEN `LEAD me,' I said to a friend of mine one evening in London, `to an enormous green baize table. Surround me with old ladies who have piggy eyes and claws for...

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The Spectator

Too Real . By ISABEL QUIGLY Kanal. (Academy.) THE Polish war film Kanal (direc- tor: Andrzej Wajda; 'X' certifi- cate) raises the question of how far —quite apart from...

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The Spectator

Beat 'em or Join 'em By ALAN BRIEN THE title of this play gives you immediately a clue to what is wrong with it. You just cannot have a velvet shotgun. I know it is a metaphor,...


The Spectator

Here and There By- BERNARD LEVIN D ' HERE, The Trojans at Covent . 41 ‘ Garden;t h here, a Figaro says r s h o the e ta d G i l s yn n ci c e e - b The e m sixtyis odd miles ;...

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Consuming Interest

The Spectator

Two Newcomers By LESLIE ADRIAN Compri 1 . 1 iotst is the consumer's best friend; and this week I must welcome two newcomers to industries which, up to now, have been almost...

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A Doctor's Journal

The Spectator

Cogs in the NHS Machine By MILES HOWARD O NE aspect of the NHS that frets many people is the possibility that family doctors may one day become mere cogs in a civil service...

Vie g)pettator

The Spectator

JUNE 22, 1833 Tile Conservatives, therefore, on the supposition tha t the concurrence of the nation is necessary to gi ve power and stability to an Administration, arc going...

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SIR,—Mr. Randolph Churchill's huffing and puffing has all the marks

The Spectator

of conscious virtue, but I am afraid that this majestic discharge of hot air is spec- tacular rather than convincing. Mr. Churchill is. as he says, a journalist, but he has one...

MR. RANDOLPH CHURCHILL SIR,—Having been both in Indo-China and in

The Spectator

Algeria at the appropriate moments, may .1 attempt to set your correspondents, Messrs. Randolph Churchill and Graham Greene, straight on the attitude of many French paratroop...

SIR,—Mr. Hugh Montefiore, in saying that the Lambeth Conference of

The Spectator

1948 'hedged' on the issue of the Church of South India, has sul'ely overlooked the very definite statement in the published com- mittee report (Part 11: p. 47): 'We find that...


The Spectator

SIR,—My letter of May 16 expressed the view that the assessment of the safety of fluoride was a matter for experts. 1 had hoped we might avoid a corre- spondence in which...

SIR,—T was roving round SE Asia for a year up

The Spectator

to and covering the Dien Bien Phu disaster and can bear Mr. Graham Greene out in saying that General Salan as commander on the snot was innocent of policy decisions and was...

SIR,—In an article on the subject of front door locks

The Spectator

in your issue of May 30. Leslie Adrian men- tioned that the opening of Chubb locks by skeleton key.is possible but difficult. We must state quite clearly that the standard...

Letters to the Editor

The Spectator

The Alternative Vote Enid Lakeman The Ancient University Professor L. H. Butler Lambeth Hugh Ross Williamson Mr. Randolph Churchill Stephen Barber, George Edinger, Anthony...

The Spectator


The Spectator

St a ,---- In the Spectator of May 30 Mr. Jo Grimond writes: 'St. Andrews should be a university for the C ommonwealth and Europe. It has the situation and the tradition. But no...

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The Spectator

SIR,—Referring to your publication dated June 6, and in particular an article by your contributor Pharos mentioning the buffet at Glyndebourne, you state, 'There is nothing to...

SIR,—I have had the privilege of reading Mr. Christo- pher

The Spectator

Hollis's article entitled `Sabbatarianism: The general impression I have received from this article is that if only Mr. Hollis had foregone his refreshment at a certain...


The Spectator

SIR,—So Mr. Anthony Stephenson wishes to regard Gershwin as the American Mozart. But he must not lose his sense of proportion. On the evidence of the Bath Festival, I declared...

SIR,—The critics of the recent Bath Festival have had their

The Spectator

say, and it is time that a fair word was spoken in the city's defence. In 1950 Bath was a pioneer in that it decided to include literature, so often neglected, more usually...


The Spectator

SIR,—I read with increasing alarm each day about the innumerable thefts from railways. I console myself, however, with the thought that the Radicals of a century ago were...


The Spectator

SIR.—Pharos should behold the beam that is in his own eye before bothering about the mote that he pretends to see in his journalistic brothers'. Everyone knows that Stalin said...


The Spectator

SIR,—Is it not my friend Canon Waddams who is making the wrong distinction? Differences of opinion and rarities of association create no confusion and are not in question. To...


The Spectator

SIR,—Mr. Beaton's letter exactly illustrates my difficulty about Sabbatarianism. In all honesty I can attach no meaning to the questions which he asks me. I have no notion what...

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The Spectator

God's Englishman and his Empire . By CHRISTOPHER HILL T HE dust jacket of this useful volume, of selections from The Principal Navigations* speaks of Hakluyt's 'great prose...

The Death of 2nd Lieut. Browne

The Spectator

Archetype of all we sensed We had gone to war against, Browne and his few wits Parted, blown to bits— Though now less lively, Just as unlovely As when sound of limb. His men...

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Gathering Up the Fragments

The Spectator

Granite and Rainbow. Essays by Virginia Woolf. (Hogarth Press, 18s.) VIRGINIA WOOLF had two great merits as a critic : her common sense, which shows itself in the recognition,...

Anglican Spring Cleaning

The Spectator

Essays in Anglican Self-Criticism. Edited by David M. Paton. (S.C.M. Press, 25s.) ANGLICANISM will be to some extent in the news during the next month or two by reason of the...

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High Claims

The Spectator

Medieval Thought from St. Augustine to Ockham. By Gordon Leff.. (Penguin Books, 3s. 6d.) FOR most people, other than historians, if the Middle Ages still live at all, it is...

Gneu, Gou, Gu

The Spectator

WE have it on the authority of Sir Harold Nicol- son, as Strix was saying - recently, that 'the appreciation of nonsense . . . is a phenomenon which can rarely be found except...

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Stanislaysky's Way

The Spectator

IN the summer of 1906 Stanislaysky, worried about his staleness as an actor, went'for a holiday in Finland and returned, like Moses from Sinai, with the first formulation of his...

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Foreign Eye

The Spectator

ONE of the troubles about Mr. Huizinga's book is that it did not really need a foreigner to write it. Mr. Huizinga is a Dutch journalist who has lived in England for many years;...

Beginnings and Ends

The Spectator

IT is the common lot of P. H. Newby characters to be confronted with a situation for which they are totally unprepared, to be unsure what is going on, what to do for the best,...

West End Story

The Spectator

THE Byrd family is one of the most august in Virginia, represented today by the senior senator from the Old Dominion and by his brother, the famous explorer. The second William...

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The Spectator

By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT The strange capacity of the market to disregard bad news was illustrated by the case of Chrysler. In April this company reported a $15 million loss for the...

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The Spectator

By CUSTOS T HE gilt-edged market is now setting its sights higher—a 4-1 per cent. Bank rate is the target. A reduction to 5 per cent. this week would be a help and if it...

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The Spectator

ACROSS 1 D ) You him or does he you, Pe h 28 The line that's broken up (6) . perh a ps ? (5 , 3) 29 Full of alcohol? (8) 0 'If I cut my finger, I shall make 1 9 Ith°Id with...


The Spectator

1 1 95 8, and has maintained the dividend of 9 ent, on the capital increased last year from 40 0 ,000 to £3,000,000. The Chairman, Mr. 1- 1 1 . Ensor, makes an interesting...

Dark Ages at Eight

The Spectator

COMPETITION No. 433: Report by Eric Wagstaff. Competitors were asked to supply an extract from a television interview with Hannibal, Attila, the lady of the house where King...

History records the activities of such engagingly titled monarchs as

The Spectator

Selint the Sot, Magnus Barelegs and Alfonso the Slobberer, not to mention our own Ethelred the Unready. Competitors are in- vited to supply an extract (or extracts) from a...

SOLUTION OF No. 995 ACROSS.-1 Come-back, 5 Stupor, 9 Pervious.

The Spectator

10 Scaled. 12 Catmint. I3 Evanish. 14 Thereinafter. 17 Under- coverts. 22 Greaves. 23 Aileron: 24 Redden. 25 Shearing. 26 Enmesh. 27 Adherent. DOWN.-1 Copeck. 2 Merits. 3...