26 AUGUST 1848

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"Chartism" manifestly declines in England ; at least that name

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has been tarnished, and is at a discount. Events, and the conduct of the prominent leaders, have equally tended to throw discredit on Chartism : there has been an equal want of...

The froceedings in the French Assembly have tended to re-

The Spectator

store, very satisfactorily, the confidence in General Cavaignac's straightforwardness and capacity. For some weeks there have been rumours that the disclosures of the Committee...


The Spectator

PARLIAMENT lingers between the interminable session and the unattainable recess, its attention pretty equally divided between the two. Worn out, anxious for rest, Members glance...

The incidents of the sedition trials in Dublin continue to

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heap up illustrations of Irish feeling and manners, as if to pall obser- vation by the abundance and piquancy of the instances. Mr. John Martin, upon whom sentence of ten years'...

Page 2

The Indian mail proclaims two victories and two defeats in

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the encounters of European and Asiatic forces. The victories are British : Lieutenant Edvrardes, with Native aid, had effectually routed the contumacious Moolraj of Moultan in...

Debates anb Vroctebings in learliament. SUPPLY VOTES.

The Spectator

The House of Commons was engaged in Supply on Monday end Wed- nesday. The votes were traversed rapidly, but not without scanning. Upon the proposal to vote 20,000/. towards...

Page 5

Sbe eourt.

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THE Court news hardly presents an incident. The unfavourable weather confined the Queen and her family to their house at Osborne in the early part of the week; preventing the"...

Sbe jaltetropolts.

The Spectator

The Windsor branch of the South-western Railway, extending at present from Richmond to Datchet, was inspected on Saturday by Captain Wynne, one of the Government Inspectors....

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Lord Clarendon, in replying to an address of confidence from the Grand Jurors of Cork by a letter of thanks, introduces two declaratory passages- " It is his Excellency's firm...

Tbt Vrobinces.

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Sweeping measures are taken against the Confederates of the Northern Onnties. Indictments for treasonable conspiracy have been preferred; and on Tuesday true bills were found,...

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A portion of the Glasgow, Dumfries, and Carlisle Railway, extending be- tween Dumfries and Gretna, was publicly opened on Tuesday. This sec- tion is twenty-four miles long: the...

lortign ant eolortial.

The Spectator

FHANCE.—The alarm occasioned in Paris at the end of last week by the great military movements was not soon allayed. On Monday it re- ceived impulse from the publication of short...

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It is now understood in official quarters, that the business of the session will be brought to a close, if possible, by Friday the 1st of September; and that her Majesty will...

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The Spectator

SATURDAY. Last night, the House of Commons having resolved itself into a Com- mittee of Ways and Means—thirty-eight Members being present—the CHariclexi.ou of the EXCHEQUER...

Paris was quiet yesterday, but apprehensive. It was feared that

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the de- bate on the evidence of the Inquiry Commission would originate serious commotions. The advices of yesterday evening, sent by express, report M. Learn- Rollin's speech in...

Page 12

The trials for sedition at the Central Criminal Court commenced

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yesterday; exciting little interest: George Snell, shoemaker, and James Maxwell Bryscn, dentist, were found "Guilty.

The Ocean Monarch, an American emigrant-ship, left Liverpool on Thursday,

The Spectator

having on board 399 persons, crew and passengers. She had not advanced more than fairly into the Irish Channel before she took fire, and in a few hours was barnt to the water's...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCIIANOE, ENDA: Arratanoon. The English Stock Market was steady till yesterday; the price of Consols ranging from 86 to 86;. Yesterday morning, when it became known that...


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Results of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last— Number of Summer deaths. average. ZymotIc Diseases 354 .... 257...

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The Spectator

HOW THE COLONIAL OFFICE DEALS WITH THE LANDS OF THE EMPIRE. Tnn debate in the House of Commons at the close of last week concerns a great deal more than its ostensible subject,...


The Spectator

Soma advocates of trial by jury are in a pucker because that "bulwark of our liberties " is impugned, and they are afraid that if Irish rebels are not allowed to send twelve...

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IT is established by evidence distinct and indisputable, that "France," or the "French People," had no more to do with founding the Republic than it had with overthrowing the...

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CONTRARY to the understood rule in disputes between employ- ers and servants, the North-western Railway Company has yielded the point, and passengers are no longer exposed to...


The Spectator

The closing of both the Italian Operahouses, on Thursday night, has given the coup de grace to the London "season.' The only remaining places of fashionable entertainment are...


The Spectator

THE revolt of Moulton has been put down ; and, according to the imperfect accounts that have been received, that valuable ser- vice is due mainly to the discreet audacity of a...

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In spite of all sorts of commercial difficulties and the

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rural tendencies at this time of year, there are sure to be enough people left in or passing through a huge metropolis to fill one little theatre. The Adelphi actors have for...

The sun of Royal patronage seems now to be actually

The Spectator

rising upon the "native drama," and actors and authors are beginning to hope for some benefit from its genial influence. The Queen has bespoken five dramatic soirees for her...


The Spectator

SCIENTIFIC GOSSIP, - A History of the Royal Society, with Memoirs of the Presidents. Compiled from Authentic Documents, by Charles Richard Weld, Esq., Barrister-at-law,...

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Is a book on the history of modern slavery. "The history of every na- tion," says the author, "tells of some great transaction peculiar to that nation ; something which aptly...

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IN the present fiction Mr. Cooper returns to his old friends and his old scenery, the Red men and the thinly-settled districts on the extreme borders of settlement. He also...

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The Spectator

On the 23d June, at Hong-kong, the Wife of Charles J. F. Stuart, Esq., of a daughter. On the 2d July, at Madras, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Bowes Forster, of a son. On the...


The Spectator

WAR-OFFICE, Aug. 25.-7th Light Drags.—Acting Assist. Staff Sorg. R. Wilson, M.D. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Young, appointed to the 736 Foot. 334 Regt. of Foot—Lieut. R. G. Wale...


The Spectator

Booxs. The Bee-Hunter; or the Oak Openings. By the Author of "The Pioneer," &c. In three volumes. The Origin of the English, Germanic, and Scandinavian Languages and Nations;...

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Tuesday, August 22. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. S. and W. Collier, Old Brampton. grocers-Davies and Goodger. Regent Street, c hemists-T. H. and G. lUdsdale, Wakefield,...


The Spectator

Friday. 57 1 81 940 35-29 19 BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Banded. Monday. Tassolay. Frodnos num S per Cent Conaols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced 31 per Cents...