28 AUGUST 1953

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PAUL ANDERSON Upheaval in France DESMOND E. HENN Social Credit

The Spectator

— Revised Version JENNY NICHOLSON : The Two Day Exile BERNARD DARWIN : Ifs and Ans J. D. SCOTT : Orwell

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The Spectator

T HE agreement between Moscow and the East German Government is not mere electioneering; it is not a minor palliative; it is a major declaration of Soviet, policy. For the...

Industrial Guerillas

The Spectator

In February this year the Electrical Trade Union forwarded a demand on behalf of the 40,000 of its members engaged in electrical contracting for a wage increase (something like...


The Spectator

No. 6 5 3 FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1953 PRICE 7d.

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A Cold Douche for Nationalisers

The Spectator

The TUC General Council's interim report on public owner- ship, which has just been published, is likely to give small satisfaction either to the doctrinaire nationalisers of...

First Round in Morocco

The Spectator

The deposition of the Sultan Sidi Mohammed V and the substitution of Sidi Mohammed ben Moulay Arafa on the throne of Morocco represent a victory for local French officials and...

Trade, Aid or Slump ?

The Spectator

With the protectionist pack in Congress still yappily , at his heels, President Eisenhower has received Mr. Lewis Douglas's report on the Dollar/Sterling Relationship with the...

The Legacy of Moussadek

The Spectator

The return of the Shah to Persia suggests that General Zahedi feels he can control the situation that has emerged from the confused conflicts of the past two weeks. As regards...

Italy's Caretaker

The Spectator

Our Rome Correspondent writes: Signor Giuseppe Pella, Italy's new Prime Minister, has re- leased a wave of relief reminiscent of that which swept the Council of Europe when M....

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The Spectator

HE pillars of fire that rose over Hiroshinia and Naga- saki illuminated once and for all the nature of total war at its extreme and warned the world, without ambiguity, that it...

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The Spectator

T HE human eye is offered enough reading matter daily to blind it for life. If only eyes were more selective and could concentrate on important issues or items of literary...

The Ugly Head It is very possible that Dr. Alfred

The Spectator

C. Kinsey is an honest and disinterested biologist, but his publications have a air about them which smacks unpleasantly of good salesmanship. Having titillated the appetite of...

Cross I see in the near future an experiment is

The Spectator

to be tried in one or two of the busier London thoroughfares whereby it will be made an offence to cross the street except by a zebra crossing. Although as a nation we take...

Pedal Distress The drawing-room comedy has its conventions such as

The Spectator

the ceaseless intake of liquid refreshment and a propensity for gentlemen callers to be ushered in wearing overcoats and carrying their hats. These lapses from realism are...

Clothes-lines In spite of protestations to the contrary by those

The Spectator

who are deeply enamoured of their old suits, men's clothes have changed a lot in the .past decade. The single-breasted jacket with turned-up cuffs, the tapering trousers,...

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After the Strikes—What ?

The Spectator

HAT has happened and what is happening in France ? One wonders whether, perhaps, this great upheaval—for that it is—deserves another, more fitting description than that of "...

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Men with a Mission

The Spectator

By DESMOND E. HENN p OLITICALLY and in other ways, a deep-seated antagonism exists between Western Canada and the two major Eastern provinces. In the combined drought and...

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The Two Day Exile

The Spectator

By JENNY NICHOLSON PERSIAN who has been very close to the Shah during his brief exile last week, said that although the Shah must support the Persian oil nationalisation, the...

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On Boys, Philosophers and Poker Players

The Spectator

By G. S. GALE T HE room, of course, was changed. The walls, for instance, were newly distempered and there was a better carpet on the floor. There were no books in the room, no...

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Subscription Rate to any address in the World: 35s. per

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annum (52 weeks).


The Spectator

A Classical Education By PETER BISHOP (Pembroke College, Oxford) p EOPLE have usually left their education some way behind before their writing is fit to be seen in public; and...

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The Spectator

Youth and Assurance IT would not be fair to blame the young artist of today for the com- petitive pressure which forces him to seek finality of self - expression at a very...


The Spectator

Melba. (Odeon.)—La Belle Image. (Berkeley.) FROM her first appearance in Brussels to the last of her many farewell concerts, name Nellie Melba was an unqualified success, so...


The Spectator

EDINBURGH FESTIVAL Hamlet. (Assembly Hall, Edinburgh.) FEW people know that under the somewhat complicated financial arrangements of the Arts Council the Old Vic Company may...

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The Spectator

Ballets de Paris de Roland Petit. (Stoll.) ROLAND PETIT seems more and more to be inclining towards musical comedy dancing, for of the three new works presented at his premiere...


The Spectator

MR. RODNEY ACKLAND'S adaptation of Hugh Walpole's novel must always have seemed a rather protracted and fidgety melodrama (1 seem to be alone among professional playgoers in not...


The Spectator

LARRY ADLER is our contemporary Paganini, a thaumaturgic per- former and one who has revealed new potentialities in an instrument with a history, certainly, but with no...

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The Spectator

Set by Joyce Johnson Readers are asked to submit descriptions of new Looking-Glass Insects. Carroll's style to be preserved, but, post-Carrollian data may be used, if desired....

Cje &pertator, augusSt 27t1), 1853 A DANGEROUS balloon-ascent has been

The Spectator

attempted at the Rotunda Gardens in Dublin. Mrs. Graham was the guiding aeronaut, and she was accompanied by a Mr. Kennedy, a gentleman who had formerly been disappointed of a...


The Spectator

Report by Alan Wykes Readers were asked to imagine themselves concerned with the formation of a society for the abolition of television. Letters designed to attract the maximum...

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Postage on this issue: Inland and Overseas l id.; Canada

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(Canadian Magazine Post) I d.

Sporting. Aspects

The Spectator

Ifs and Ans By BERNARD DARWIN , F VERYONE has heard of the ancient speculation about Cleopatra's nose. If it had been shorter or longer by just some minute fraction of an inch...

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Machine Art

The Spectator

SIR, —I receive cuttings of all Press references to typewriters and typewriting. I was interested to read the paragraph headed " Machine Art" in your issue of August 21st, as I...


The Spectator

The Earthquakes SIR, — The recent appalling earthquake disaster which struck the Ionian Islands of Greece came at a time when that country was still heroically struggling to...

Dusty Answer

The Spectator

SIR,-1 agree with all that Mr. Theobald says about the inadequacy of the " tutorial system " at Cambridge. When he argues the case for a " General Honours Degree " I feel bound...

SIR, —Mr. A. P. Rossiter claims that I write from the

The Spectator

viewpoint of a " testy anachronism." I, however, believe that my four major points are commonly accepted. These were: (1) That the dons, due to marriage, increased research...

Atom Bombing the Atom Bomb

The Spectator

SIR,—As a huthan being interested in the prospect of my scientific annihilation and therefore perusing Einstein's formula E=mc 2 , I would like to know• whether active attention...

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Soft Fruits

The Spectator

Raspberry canes and the arms of loganberry that have fruited this season should be cut back to within six inches of the ground, and the rooted runners of strawberries should be...

Ducking under the wire, I went down the winding path

The Spectator

into the wood. It was plain that everyone going that way entered at the same spot. Some considerate person had tied a fragment of sacking round two strands of wire to make entry...

Man and Dog

The Spectator

A friend with whom I share a love of cocker spaniels is debating Whether to get himself another pup. Until a year or two ago I had a black cocker, more of a field dog than the...


The Spectator

RAIN set in just after seven o'clock in the morning. The sky had been overcast when I awoke earlier but it was not until seven that I heard the rain beating across the skylight...

While I was up on the moor I was startled

The Spectator

by a rushing of wings as a flock of lapwings passed over a low hill, flying fast,. and by that wonderful undulation of black and white that only the peewits Can show. The...

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Books of the Week

The Spectator

Or well By J. D. SCOTT G FORGE ORWELL, who was born in 1903, was still, in 1945, a comparatively unimportant novelist and pamphleteer. When he died in 1950 he was already a...

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German Documents

The Spectator

Documents on German Foreign Policy, 1918-1945. Series D, Volume V. (H.M.S.O., 1953. 25s.) THIS is the fifth volume in the fourth series of German Foreign Office Documents edited...

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Poetry of Stress

The Spectator

A Hopkins Reader. Selected and with an Introduction by John Pick. (Geoffrey Cumberlege. Oxford University Press. 21s.) Selected Poems of Gettrd Manley Hopkins. Edited with an...

The Course of Architecture

The Spectator

European Architecture in the Twentieth Century. Volume II. By Arnold Whittick. (Crosby Lockwood. £2 2s.) Tars book is the second of a series of three volumes which will together...

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The Insatiable Speculator

The Spectator

THE difficulty with Marlowe is that he does not yield much to research and remains a highly enigmatic figure. One may approach him cautiously, as Professor Wilson does, in the...

New Novels

The Spectator

The Hate Merchant. By Niven Busch. (W. H. Allen. 12s. 6d.) PIETER VAN VLAANDEREN, police Lieutenant—a war hero (albeit in the Englishmen's war), a Rugby star—idolised by the...

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The Spectator

By CUSTOS A DECLINE in speculative activity on Wall Street, combined with the strike movement among the electricians in this country, has been enough to cast something of a...

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Solution to Crossword No. 743 1311531111fi E413130 LIE I2 El

The Spectator

13 13 II 1-1 13 II VA11113011/1 Z11131111111313111113 El 111 31 13 El me 13 ntimmem umemen El 43 13 13 mem Hamm mini um Ronne Mai r le ti gang Eitivintun mi kANCINCINCIA Ell...


The Spectator

IA Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened after noon on Tuesday week, September 8th, addressed Crossword, 99 Gower Street,...