28 FEBRUARY 1835

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The Spectator

THE Tory Ministers have been defeated on the Address, but by a majority disgracefully small. After a debate of three days, which was terminated yesterday morning, the numbers...

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It is said that the British Ministry have proposed to

The Spectator

use their good offices for the settlement of the contending claims of Don CARLOS and his niece in Spain; but that the Spanish Liberals have rejected the offer. There seems,...

Lord NAPIER died at Macao, on the 11th of October.

The Spectator

The Chinese authorities at Canton forced him to leave that city, by prohibiting all the natives from supplying him with provisions, or in other ways serving him and his...

h7rbates1 ant Prorrching1 in Parliament.

The Spectator

1. THE OPENING—THE KING'S SPEECH. On Tuesday, the King in person formally opened the session of Parliament. The attendance of Peers in the temporary House of Lords was...

The Ministry of France is again unsettled. Marshal MORTIEH has

The Spectator

resigned the Presidency, and Louis PHILIP is busily employed in reconsturcting his Cabinet. He has sent for SOULT from his estate at the foot of the Pyrenees, and for General...

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Vat Court.

The Spectator

THE King held a Council on Monday, at St. James's Palace ; when the Speech to be delivered on the opening of the session of Parlia- ment was flimsily settled. On Tuesday, his...

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ebe Cowart?.

The Spectator

From all parts of the country there are accounts of the intense anx- iety with which the result of the election of Speaker was expected ; and the popular joy at the success of...

It is stated in the Aberdeen Adeertiser, as an instance

The Spectator

of public spirit, alike honourable to the inhabitants arid their Representative, that the subscription which was opened to defray the expenses of the city elec- tion has...

ebe ilittropoTIC

The Spectator

The Reformers of the City have established a club, the objects of which are- ; " To effect the correction and more convenient arrangement of the register of electors for the...


The Spectator

Arrived—At Gravesend, Feb. 26th. Duckenfiehl, Riddle, from Van Diemen's Land Orr Margate, 25111, Sarah, Kay, from Mauritius. At Deal, 23,1, St. Kilda, Ogden, from Mauritius;...

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The Spectator

LEMAITRE, the star of the French company, is an actor that every playgoer may see with pleasure, and every performer study with advantage. He is a consummate artiste. We have...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The history of the fluctuations of the Money Market during the last few thet s may be read in the proceedings of I he House of Commons; the...


The Spectator

OPPOSITION MAJORITY. FOR TIIE AMENDMENT. AelICSOIL ViSCL, Armagh C. Maim C.. Clailanannan 6../iinr. C. Anl ionby, 11. A.. Coe/arm:A Alston, It.. liertferdshire Andover, Lord,...


The Spectator

SATURDAY. There is not a word of Foreign News in the papers of this morning. The prevalence of stormy weather has prevented the arrival of vessels from the Continent.

We thank the Member who sent us the communication respecting

The Spectator

the Speakership; but he ill see from the crowded state of our columns that it Has impossible to find room for it ; and moreover, the inte.ust attached to the subject has been...

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The Spectator

No effort has been spared to mystify the nature of the contest now waging between the Reformers and the Tories. But the People have proved themselves to be not quite so stupid...


The Spectator

THE MINISTRY versus THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. THE Tories avow their determination to keep their places despite of the House of Commons. Sir ROBERT PEEL declared on Tues- day,...

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The Spectator

THE Philharmonic season began on Monday. No changes of conse- quence have taken place in the orchestra, except the vacancy occa- sioned by SPAGNOLETTI'S death ; whose place as...


The Spectator

TI1E opera of Lestocy, by AUBER, has been brought out at Covent Garden. The story of time piece belongs to that period of Russian his- tory in which Lestocq, a Frenchman,...

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We have beard that at the meeting of Lord Stanley's

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political friends on Wednesday there were present fifty.three members of the House of Commons. They resolved unanimously to support the Ad- dress. Of this number we believe...


The Spectator

ARCII.VOLOOY, Rotuli Curie Re g is. Rolls and Records of the Court held before the King's Jasti- ciars or Justices. Vol. 1, fi urn the Sixth Year of King Richard 1. to the...


The Spectator

SOME twelve or thirteen months ago, we invited attention to a very able essay by Sir FRANCIS PALGRAVE 011 the Original Authority of the King's Connell, which, as we thought,...


The Spectator

[From the Morning Chronicle, Feb. 27.] A Parliamentary Circular was issued on Tuesday morning, requesting all those Memo. bets who did not belong to what were Hameln called the...

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The Spectator

LADY BLESSINGTON has seen much of a particular section of life; she is an accurate observer of external things, and a pleasant raconteur. But she has no creative power, no...

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The Spectator

EVERY one has heard of the soldier "who spends half a crown out of sixpence a day." The process, though seemingly para- doxical, is intelligible to creditors; but it was never...


The Spectator

DISPLAY in pretty equal proportions the different qualities of Miss Rums's former works. There is the same lightness of manner, the same sparkling style dashed with an...

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The Fifth Part of the New Statisical Account of Scotland

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de- scribes the whole of Roxburghshire and part of Forfarshire. The current Number of the Quarterly Journal of Agriculture, be- sides the usual practical information in which...

We must give a line of welcome to a new

The Spectator

undertaking of Mr. MOXON'S — a republication of the Poems of Rousas, in monthly parts. Of the literary character or merits of the bard of Memory, it is unnecessary to speak; the...

flee French Language its Own Teacher, by RErra ALIVA, author

The Spectator

of the "Anti-Spelling Book," is a very able work—new, experimental, but not quackish. The novelty is chiefly limited to the writer's simple mode of teaching pronunciation,...

This is all that Parliament permits for the present. We

The Spectator

can only acknowledge the receipt of RonEwrs's Oriental Illustrations of the Scriptures. Lord ALBERT CONYNGIIAWS translation of the Natural Son, from the German of SPINDLER....

Facts, Laws, and Phenomena of Natural Philosophy, is a trans-

The Spectator

lation, by Mr. WALLACE of Glasgow, of Q (MTh LET'S Positions de Physique. The main divisions of the work are threefold ; the first book treats of Ponderable Bodies, the second...

Leg end; of the North, and Border Minstrelsy, is a neat,

The Spectator

pretty little book, and as amusing as pretty. It chiefly consi.its of ex- tracts from the more popular parts of SCOTT'S Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, and forms a pleasant...

Le Bouquet LitteTaire, a compilation by the late Professor VENTGUILLAC,

The Spectator

is published by his widow, and dedicated to the Dutchess of SUTHERLAND, as a last legacy from her husband, and a tribute of gratitude from his survivors. The work itself...

If treatises on Health could preserve that blessing, no one

The Spectator

need be ill unless through his own fault. here are two more books to teach u3 how to live long and well,—Dr. lIonciox's Lectures on the Means of Promoting and Preserving Health...

The Second Volume of the Hindoos, in the Library of

The Spectator

Enter- taining Knowledge, completes the subject. It contains an outline of the native history of Hindostan, and a sketch of the Hindoo modes of government and warfare. We have...