4 MAY 1878

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Mr. Chamberlain, at the same meeting, was nearly as strong

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as Mr. Bright, though dwelling more on the iniquity of the alliance with Turkey, which he said Mr. Layard was doing his beat to bring about. He made, too, the new point that in...

Mr. Bright addressed the representatives in the evening, and wag

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as outspoken as the delegates. In a magnificent speech, full of his ancient fire, he reviewed the conduct of the Government in spending the 16,000,000 recklessly, after the...

The event of the week has been a Conference at

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Manchester of 1,500 delegates from cities, towns, and great organisations, to protest against the impending war with Russia. The Conference, which met on Tuesday, passed...

Mr. Hardy on Monday addressed a long speech to the

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Con- servative Club at Bradford, on which we have commented suffi- ciently elsewhere. We need only say here that its main thesis was the duty of England to uphold European...


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T HERE is no improvement in the general condition of affairs. The Government still affirms, through Mr. Cross, that its first Abject is peace ; and through Mr. Hardy, that Great...

* * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in

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any case.

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Professor Henry Smith, the Liberal candidate for Oxford, has issued

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a letter explaining his views upon the Eastern Question. He says that there has been much in the foreign policy of the Government which he cannot approve. They should have...

The two first detachments of the Native contingent ordered to

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Malta have sailed from Bombay, and the Times correspondent at Calcutta telegraphs that the men have gone most willingly. They are weary of peace, and eager for fighting. At...

On Thursday Mr. Cross made a second speech at Preston,

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this time to an assemblage of Conservative working-men. In this speech, after boasting that Government had lost only two votes, and expressing his confidence that a dissolution,...

a speech in which he denied that the majority of

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the Ministers were dummies," as they had recently been called—that was very wrong of Mr. Bright ; they are not dummies, they are queens, rooks, knights, and bishops, quite...

Mr. Bright, who usually gets Indian feats correctly, has fallen

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into a singular error as to the native regiments sent to Malta. He says they are " Mahommedan, half-savage troops." They may be half-savage, in some senses, but while their...

The Catholic priesthood of Ireland appear to have become alive

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to the fact that "concurrent endowment" is not in all cases either inexpedient or immoral. After rejecting concurrent en- dowment for their Church, they are demanding concurrent...

The Crown Princess of Germany has arrived in this country,

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on a visit to the Queen, and her husband has left Berlin on the same errand. It will of course be said that the Princess, Mr. Cross on Wednesday opened a similar club at...

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We regret to note the death, under terrible circumstances, of

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Sir Francis Goldsmid, Member for Reading, and a good friend to the London University and every Liberal project except the emancipation of the Eastern Christians. He arrived at...

The motive of that strange crime—the murder by Constance Kent

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of her young half-brother—has at last been revealed. Dr. J. C. Bucknill, in closing the second of his Lumleian lectures on "The Legal Relations of Insanity," said that he had...

Mr. T. H. Sheppard, who signs himself "One of the

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Secre- taries of Mr. Talbot's Committee," writes a somewhat dignified and exceedingly crafty comment on Mr. Smith's letter. He says it is unusual at a University election for a...

The Paris Exhibition was opened on May 1st, according to

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programme. Nothing was ready except the British Department, the rain fell heavily though intermittently all day, and the arrangements for tickets broke down, as they often do in...

-Colonel Marcus Beresford, Member for Southwark, has offered his resignation

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to his constituents, feeling the pressure of brokers health and of some domestic trials, but the Conservative Council' of the borough declined to accept it. The election would...

Lord Beaconsfield has made a fair appointment to the diocese

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of Lichfield. The Rev. W. D. Maclagan, Vicar of Kensington, belongs, as closely as possible, to the school of Dr. Selwyn, and like him, has earned a great reputation as an...

We notice the death this week of General Sir John

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Campbell, an Indian officer now almost forgotten, who once undertook and -carried through a remarkable task. The wild people of the Kbond district believed that the only way to...

Consols were on Friday 95i to 95+.

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THE SUMMONS TO THE SEPOYS. No such alteration in the position of this country as a fighting Power has occurred since she substituted Regular regiments for train-bands and...

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T HAT was a muddle-headed speech of Mr. Hardy's at Brad- ford on Monday. There was an idea running through it, amidst all its silly adulation of an ideal England, the pro-...

On the one hand, Russia and England alike con- tinue

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their preparations, and the relations between endorse that charge ; I know that they will repudiate it, and Russia and Turkey at Constantinople are growing strained I am bound...

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T HE Republican leaders in France have, we believe, shown wisdom in encouraging the International Exhibition, opened by the President of the Republic in Paris on the 1st of May....

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T HE Papacy always masters the Pope, and we see no sign that Leo XIII. will prove an exception to the universal rule. hamediately on his election an idea was spread abroad,...

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T "" Statement "I which has been published by the University of Oxford Commissioners will relieve any anxiety which may have been felt in Conservative circles as to the...

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O NE of the principal duties of the Liberal Leaders in these days is to go down to the large country towns, and open, with jubilant political speech-making, Liberal Clubs....

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W E would suggest to the Professional Librarians of the world, who have now formed themselves into an Association, and hold "Conferences," and possess a journal of their own,...

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I N the old times, before Mr. Darwin and Mr. Wallace, when we used to know nothing about evolution or selection, or the meaning of their colours to animals and plants...

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THE CROWN AND THE CONSTITUTION. (TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.') San,—Intentional misrepresentation of an opponent is a policy which is not likely to be imputed to the...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sut,—Mr. Kitson's reference to the ownership and maintenance of Scottish Churchyards, is no answer to those who point to Scotland for proof...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.") SIR,—The writer of your article on Finder, p. 539, April 27th, does not seem to me to be familiar with Bishop Heber's versions of a few of...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] am sorry you should charge me with "virtual evasion,"— certainly unintentional on my part. You asked me "if a position not inferior to...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin ,—Will you kindly allow me, as an old Wellingtonian, who , was more than seven years at the school, to offer one or two remarks on your...


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go THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sts,—The unprecedented arrogance of Russia will be the more apparent, if we recollect what occurred in 1866, when Prince Bismarck substituted...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The letter of " M. A." will not, I think, prevent many of your readers from agreeing with' you in thinking that the Bishop of...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—I read with pleasure the paragraph in last week's Spectator - on the enlargement of railway-stations, but do you not couple "...

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THE GROSVENOR GALLERY. [MST NOTICE] THE picture season has at last fairly begun, and private views are as thick in Pall Mall and Bond Street as cowslips in the country...


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AN APRIL WOOD. SWEET April sat in a regal wood, And I sat down by her side ; Glad with the promise of leaf and of bud, Flushed with the glory of Sol's bright flood,— There...

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THREE YEARS OF THE EASTERN QUESTION.* Tat value of Mr. MacColPs contributions to the literature of the Eastern Question consists primarily in this,—that he really follows •...

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MR. ALLINGHAM'S POEMS.* To any one who has travelled in

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many countries, or even mixed much with men at home, has it not often happened to meet and to associate for a certain period with specimens of humanity for whom *...

Page 18

CHURCH AND STATE.* PROBABLY few subjects have been more elaborately

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discussed than that which M. Geffeken has treated in these two volumes. It is, however, difficult to imagine a time when the last word will have been spoken on the relations of...

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lir we might hazard a conjecture, we should be inclined to doubt whether the poet that wished he were a careless child was either a school manager or a Government inspector of...

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THE two writers whose volumes on Hebrew Prophecy are before us have some important points in common. They both accept and assume the general correctness of that modern...

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THE most worthless, vicious, and frivolous periods in the social life of any country are the most difficult to reproduce in fiction ; the laughter of fools, likened by King...

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A History of the Thirty Years' Peace, A.D. 1816-1846. By Harriet Martineau. In 4 vols. (George Bell and Sons.)—This a convenient reprint of a useful book, but we cannot...

Thoughts and Experiences of a Charity Organisationist. By J. Hornsby

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Wright. (William Hunt and Co.)—This book may be de- scribed as a very powerful "act of accusation" against "unorganised charity," the "charity" which gives without inquiring....

Epietetres. Translated by George Long. (Boll and Sons.)—For an old

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man past seventy-six, as Mr. Long tells us ho is, the translation of any classic must be a serious undertaking, and what remains to us of Epietetus is often rather difficult and...

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Word for Word from Horace: the Odes Literally Versified. By

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W. T. Thornton, C.B. (Macmillan.)—This is a very praiseworthy effort. We cannot say that these translations are likely to live as standard versions of Horace. The thing that Mr....

NEW EDMONS.—The Rev. Samuel Garratt republishes, after an interval of

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twelve years, his Commentary on the Revelation of St. John. (William Hunt.) Mr. Garrett stands between tho prasterist and tho futurist interpreters. Much, he thinks, has boon...

The Temptation in the Wilderness. By G. Reeves Palmer, M.A.

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(Shaw and Co.)—Mr. Palmer says, with groat truth, in his preface that "the contemplation of the life of tho Lord Josue Christ, and the truths of the Christian religion taught...

St. Petersburg to Plerna. By Francis Stanley. (Bentley.)—This is another

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of the numerous volumes which are providing material for the historian of the future, materials which it will be no enviable task to sift and set in order. Mr. Stanley went to...

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We have received the Journal of the Boston (U. S.)Library,

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contain. ing the usual monthly report, in which it is stated that no less than 10,478 books were delivered on the 23rd of February last, a fact that must be highly gratifying to...

The Adelaide Almanac and Directory for South Australia for 1878

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(G. Street and Co.) supplies statistical and other information useful to intending emigrants from this country. In addition to the mercantile directory, full information is to...