6 JULY 1901

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The Spectator

FROM JULY 6th TO DECEMBER 28th, 1901, INCLUSIVE, TOMS OF THE DAY. A BDURRAHMAN KHAN, the Death of ... Administrative Punctilio ... kfrica, South, the Natives in — — the...

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What makes these rumours seem well-nigh incredible is the very

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firm attitude which was taken up by Mr. Asquith over the great dinner controversy. A considerable section of Liberal Members, usually Pro-Boers, pressed Mr. Asquith not to...

recorded through most of the week as 98° Fahr., but

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its range on the street level and in crowded rooms was at least ten degrees higher. The number of deaths reported in Greater New York on Thursday was two hundred and...

course he will take. If only he had the spirit

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of leading in him, here is his opportunity. But has he P


The Spectator

A GAIN we have to record that no war news of import- ance has been sent home during the week. This does not, of course, show that our activity is abated, but rather that Lord...

The Dutch Liberals having been beaten at the elections, the

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Cabinet of the Hague has resigned, and has been suc- ceeded by one of which Herr Kuyper, the Conservative leader, is the head. He is said to be strongly anti-French and...

M. Waldeck-Rousseau's Bill on Associations was finally passed on June

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28th, the Chamber accepting the Senate's amendments by 428 to 143, and it only remains to see how it will be applied. It is understood that all the religious com- munities...

*.* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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The Select Committee of the Lords on the Declaration Against

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Transubstantiation have reported that the Declare- ticn can be modified advantageously, and for the future should be in a form which they set forth. In the new form the words...

The Times correspondent, telegraphing from Hobart on Wednesday, speaks with

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enthusiasm of the splendid reception given by the Tasmanians to the Duke and Dachess of York. They were received by the Governor-General, the Adminis- trator, Sir J. Dodds, and...

The Federation Commission in New Zealand has unani- mously reported

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that although Federation would improve the credit of the Colony, it woald on all other grounds be lined_ visable. As this is the general feeling in the island, Parlia- ment will...

In the Commons on Wednesday a debate took place in

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regard to the condition of the Mediterranean Fleet. After Mr. Yerburgh had reiterated the complaints already put forward in the Press, Mr. Robertson, in a speech which was...

Mr. Arnold-Forster replied for the Government, and we congratulate him

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on the manly and sensible way in which he met a very difficult situation. Unlike Mr. Robertson, he did not talk conventional platitudes about meddling newspapers minding their...

In the House of Commons on Thursday a debate took

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place on the Loans Bill, in which Sir Michael Hicks-Beach most wisely refused to commit himself, though strongly pressed to do so, in regard to the amount of the loan which will...

It is stated in a telegram from Simla to the

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Times, which must be based on at least demi-official information, that an Edict signed by both the Emperor and the Dowager-Empress has been posted up in Thibet, declaring that...

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At the Dominion Day dinner held at the Hotel Cecil

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on Monday, Lord Strathcona presiding, Mr. Chamberlain made a most eloquent and striking speech. He pointed out how Federation had helped to unify the Empire by inspiring the...

It is clear, as Mr. Brodrick pointed out, that the

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meaning of this is that Mr. Kruger is using the efforts of the Pro- Boers here to encourage the men in the field. He has not, of course, spent a penny on the Boer women and...

The people of Montenegro are evidently in the way of

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losing their special characteristics. The desire for " comfort," "intercourse," and trade has entered their minds, and they are trying to make themselves rich. They have renewed...

But though Thursday's debate began on fiscal lines, it was

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soon shunted on to the fiercer war issue by Mr. Lloyd-George, who tried to show that peace might have been obtained at the time of the Kitchener-Botha negotiations if only the...

We sincerely trust that when the Military Instruction (Schools and

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Cadets) Bill comes on in the House of Lords on July 8th (i.e., next Monday), it will receive a wide support, and that every effort will be made to get it passed into law. We...

Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, speaking at a meeting of the Home

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Counties Liberal Federation on Tuesday, dealt both with the war in South Africa and with the Liberal party. He protested against " the foul calumny " that he had maligned the...

Bank Rate, 3 per cent. New Consols (2k) were on

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Friday 93i.

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MR. ASQ u et AND THE LIBERAL PARTY. T HE Liberals are getting deeper in the mire. We regret to write the words, because, like all sensible Unionists in the country, though the...

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S we said last week, we hold Lord Selborne to have shown great wisdom in refusing to be rushed into a decision in regard to the Gibraltar docks. The question is one which had...

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T HE regulation of motor-cars and the best methods of keeping their drivers under proper control and pre- venting them causing injury and annoyance to the general public have of...

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W.ALDECK-ROUSSEATS Bill on Associations -1 1ViL, has become law, and all the unauthorised religious Associations of France, with their immense wealth and their strong hold over...

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CANADA. NV HEN a statesman whose reputation has been made in

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hard debate and the turmoil of party warfare leaves his work behind him for a moment and allows some generous emotion to colour his words, we listen more readily than to any...

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M USING upon some theological difficulties the other day, it occurred to the writer that, after all, the most insoluble difficulty is one very seldom discussed, perhaps because...

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A SHORT time ago a letter written by Canon Barnett appeared in the Times on " The Misuse of Holidays." The use of holidays is known to all who work, and their mis- use is...

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I N the not very long list of the living races of animals are a not inconsiderable number of instances of creatures not conforming to any other race or family. They are not "...

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The Spectator

LITERATURE AT SEA. [To TH2 EDITOR 01 THZ SPZCTATOX."] S111, — In discussing this, a subject which should be interesting, it is, as usual, necessary to draw a very sharp...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF T1111" SPECTATOR., SIE, — I hope you will reconsider the proposition you have put forward in the Spectator of June 29th, that the proper test of a man's...


The Spectator

THE DUE REPRESENTATION OF ENGLAND. [TO VIZ EDITOR Or TAR "SPECTATOR. "] Ste,—Let me call your attention to the following table ; it exhibits in a broad way, and at a glance,...

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The Spectator

(TO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sru,—In a "Note of the Week" in the Spectator of June 29th you refer to the fighting in Somaliland. You observe : " As he [the " Mad...


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"sracr_eron.i Srn,—I am very much gratified once more at the way my views on the conditions of Franco-British peace have been discussed by the English Press. No stronger...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, — Mr. Fea seems to have found a congenial spirit in your reviewer (Spectator, June 29th). People are so credulous about...


The Spectator

[To TIER EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIE,—Your very ingenious article upon " Memory and Individuality " argues a priori that loss of memory does not involve change of...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF TUE " SP ECTATOR.1 SIR,—In the Spectator of June 29th, p 970, you write: "It cannot be conceded that ' the Carthusians only asked to be allowed to serve God...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—In a notice of the Rev. R. Armstrong's book (which I have not seen) in the Spectator of June 22nd your reviewer positively declares...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OP TUE "SP ECTLTOR.1 . SIR,—The words closely watched slavery mocked with the name of power " are Macaulay's, not Lord Beaconsfield's, though, of course, the...


The Spectator

[To TH1 EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] read with interest but without sympathy Mr. Cooper's letter in the Spectator of June 29th. There will always be two opinions about Brunel's...

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THE MILKWOMAN. Sun was tall and strong, and she walk'd along With a firm substantial tread, Like one who knows that wherever she goes She is earning her daily bread. Her frock...


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[TO Tee EDITOR OT Till "SPECTATOR:I Sin,—In a box which I fastened to a Scotch fir about three yards from my dining-room window two redstarts reared a brood this summer. All...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIII,—May I cap the story of a dream in the Spectator of June 22nd ? There is some similarity between the two, since both dreams rather...


The Spectator

SIR,—The account given in the Spectator of June 15th by your correspondent, "Rio. 0. A.," of Miss X.'s dream of the butler with homicidal tendencies induces me to trouble you...

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PROFESSOR MAX MOLLER.* To those who take an interest in the study of their fellow- mortals there is no kind of book more attractive than an auto- biography. Even if insincere,...

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MORE BOOKS ABOUT THE WAR.* THE contents of the first

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volume on our list are more or less technical and professional. Chaps. 5-16 are occupied with an account of the diseases and wounds with which the staff of the hospital had to...

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ON THE BANKS OF THE SEINE.* THESE recollections are a

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very perfect example of what is sometimes called "the romance of history." The book, or most of it, reads like pure romance; and yet it bears the un- mistakable stamp of truth....

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WE are rather inclined to think that this book marks a suggestive departure. Its main idea came, the author tells us, from the Professor of Modern History at Cambridge, and Lord...

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MRS. HUGH FRASER lays the scene of her latest story in Japan. This is an enormous convenience when the various crises of the book require the convulsions of Nature to bring them...

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THE editors of the high-priced magazines will have, to avoid more carefully the temptation of snippetiness. It is a great temptation, we acknowledge, for it secures variety, and...

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The Art and Craft of Garden-Making. By Thomas H. Mawson. (B. T. Botsford. 25s. net.)—We heartily congratulate Mr. Mawson on the success of his book. That a second edition...


The Spectator

THE ART OF MARCHING. The Art of Marching. By Colonel George Armand Purse, C.B. (William Clowes and Sons.)—The title of this work suggests a concise scientific treatise, in...

[ 41 * * ERRATII3L—We regret in our notice of Cowper and Mary

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Unwin in our last issue to have printed the publisher's name as Dean and Co., instead of H. J. Drone, as it should have been.]

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Poisonous Plants in Field and Garden. By the Rev. Professor

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G. Henslow. (S.P.C.K. 2s. 6d.)—This book is full, as may be supposed, of curious and useful information. The practical upshot is, " Don't put anything into your mouth unless...

The Review of Reviews for Australia. (Melbourne. 9d.) — We congratulate Mr.

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Fitchett, the able editor of the Australian Review of Reviews, on the admirable Commonwealth number of his magazine. It is of special interest because it contains a number of...

A Garden in the Suburbs. By Mrs. Leslie Williams. (J.

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Lane. 5s. net.)—Mrs. Williams gives a chapter to each of the months, two to the greenhouse and its plants, one to lilies and one to roses, and adds some general counsel One...

A Practical Discourse on Some Principles of Hymn - Singing. By Robert

The Spectator

Bridges. (Blackwell, Oxford. ls. net.)—We cannot follow Mr. Bridges into his criticism on the words and music of modern hymnals. He holds—to pat the matter briefly—that...

The Gospel of St. John. Edited by the Rev. S.

The Spectator

A. UcClymont. " The Century Bible." General editor, Professor W. F. Adeney. (T. C. and E. C. Jack.)—Dr. McClymont gives us in his introduction an excellent summary of the...


The Spectator

[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] Cl IN& Work and Church Reform. By John Percival, D.D., Bishop of...

Britain's Austral Empire. By Percy F. S. Spence and C.

The Spectator

Firth Scott. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co. £4 4s. net.)—The idea of federation in Australia is now about fifteen years old (though, of course, it was entertained as a secret...

The Prayer - Book Er ... .vlained. By the Rev. Percival Jackson. Part I.

The Spectator

(Cambridge 4'niversity Prose. 2s. 6d.)—Mr. Jackson is successful in showing the harmonious construction of the ser- vices (his subject in this first part is the Daily Offices...

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NEW Enrriows. — The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. Edited by

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Temple Scott. Vol. V. (George Bell and Sons. 3s. 6d.) —This fifth volume contains "Historical and Political Tracts." generally speaking, the tracts and pamphlets which he...

The English Country Labourer and the Poor Law. By John

The Spectator

Martineau. (Skeffington and Son. 6d.)—Mr. Martineau recalls some of the abuses which existed under the old Poor-law. Perhaps the most egregious instance is the device to which...

Punch's Holiday Book. Edited by E. T. Reed. (Punch Office.

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is. net.) —This is somewhat diseppointing on the whole. We do not look for a sentimental novelette in Punch. Hence " The Schoolmaster and Felicia" is out of place. We are not...

Robert Buchanan, and other Essays. By Henry Murray. (Philip Wellby.

The Spectator

5s.)—There is much that we wholly disapprove in this " appreciation " of. Robert Buchanan ; but on the whole it seems to us the best thing that we have seen up to this time on...

Commercial Education in Theory and Practice. By E. H. Whitfield,

The Spectator

M.A. (Methuen and Co. 5s.)—Mr. Whitfield seems to be both sound and practical. He is all for a liberal education, holding by Latin, for instance, as both an excellent...