10 DECEMBER 1842, page 10
The Post. Office System.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. 12 mo. 5,1842 RESPECTED Fitiersn — Thy attention on former occasions to the subject of Post-office Reform induces me to trouble thee with a few......
How Justices Need Not Use The Worst Laws. To The
EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. StoCkbridge, 5th December 1842. Sin,—I deny the position which you appear to imply, (in page 1163,) that the Magistrate who committed MARY MORGAN to......
Currency And The Tariff.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. 8th November 1842. Stn — I am a constant reader of your paper, and I may add, an admirer of your independence and sincerity ; but I have noticed......