The Theatres.
THE event of the week, the Stage-presentation of the Patrician's Daughter at Drury Lane, which had been announced for Thursday, has been postponed till this evening; and we......
The Post. Office System.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. 12 mo. 5,1842 RESPECTED Fitiersn — Thy attention on former occasions to the subject of Post-office Reform induces me to trouble thee with a few......
The Standard This Evening Gives Some Further Explanation...
refusal of France to ratify the Slave-trade treaty. The retractation was justified on the ground that the principle of the late treaty between Great Britain and the United......
The French Telegraph Conveys Important Intelligence From...
however, heightened in its colouring by the medium through which it passes. It should be premised, that there are in Barcelona Roads the Rodney and Formidable. British......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The Funds have not fluctuated materially during the week, neither has any business of importance occurred in them. The books of the two......