The Following Announcement Appeared In The Globe Last...
It appears that her Majesty's Ministers are at length convinced of the necessity of adopting a fixed duty on corn, as the new sliding-scale has worked so unsatisfactorily for......
The Chinese Treaty Has Actually Arrived In England. The...
steamer, which left Malta on the 27th, reached Devonport yesterday, having on board Major Malcolm, Secretary of Legation, the bearer of the treaty, and Commander Richards, of......
The Brill Conservative Dinner, Which Took Place On...
trates the saying, "one must draw a line somewhere": Box's barber drew a line at bakers ; Anti-Corn-law proselytism draws a line at Yeovil or Clevedon, including not Brill—at......
There appear to have been two arrivals from India and China ; the ordinary overland mail, and the Company's steam frigate Auckland, which was despatched by Sir Henry Pottinger......
SATURDAY NIGH T. At the Privy Council held by her Majesty at Windsor Castle today, a proclamation was agreed upon for further proroguing Parliament, from Tuesday next to......