The Overland Mail Brings The Sequel Of The Stirring...
last sent to us from India and China. The Celestial Emperor has ratified the Nankin treaty ; but refused to sign before Queen Vrc- TORIA, on some ground of etiquette. People do......
Zbe Eourt.
ACCORDING to the expectation, the Court returned to Windsor on Saturday. The Queen and Prince Albert, with the infants and the suite, left Walmer Castle in three close carriages......
The Insurrection At Barcelona Is Not Yet Closed ; And
at the time of the latest accounts, the Regent and the insurgents were still threatening each other. There is something very curious in the secondary symptoms of the disorder :......
Zbe .0tetropolis.
A Court of Common Council was held on Thursday ; when Mr. P. A. Taylor moved a very long resolution on the Corn-laws and their con- sequences, to be transmitted to Sir Robert......