News Of The Week
rE latest intelligence from Afghanistan shows that the Indian Government has decided on a serious invasion, and is collect- ing 35,000 men upon the frontiers, so placed that the......
On Wedny The Times Published An Able Letter From Sir
James Steph.• defending the policy of the Indian Government in demanding possession of all military positions in Afghanistan ; and on Thursdayan immense memo. by Sir Bartle......
Mr. Gorst, M.1'. For Chatham, Who, As Having Long Been
the head of one of the most influential of the Conservative Associations, is to be regarded as much more than an individual Member of Par- liament, made a speech at Chatham on......
The Report So Diligently Spread That The Afghan Officer In
com- mand of All Musjeed had informed Major Cavagnari that but for personal friendship he would shoot him, was, it appears, a falsehood. The Calcutta correspondent of the Times......
Mr. Cross Has Been Stirring Up Lancashire Again This Week
with two or three of those, in a sense, successful speeches, the secret of which seems to be a sort of animated dullness, a common- placeness beyond ordinary common-placeness,......
In His Speech At Southport, Mr. Cross Explained That The
Radicals wished "to make a clean sweep of everything, and to begin over again ; they had no reverence for things, simply because they existed, and the fact of their existence......