19 OCTOBER 1878, page 2

The English And French Governments Have Come To An...

upon the Egyptian question. M. de Blignieres is to be Egyptian Minister of Public Works, with control over all railways, canals, and ports, except Alexandria, and to exercise......

Mr. C. S. Read, M.p., In Distributing This Day Week

the prizes won by the children in the religious dupes of the diocese of Norwich, expressed himself much satisfied with the working of the Education Act in relation to religious......

Mr. Adams, The Assistant To Mr. Edison, Resident In London,

informs the public that no explanation of his principal's method of dividing the Electric Light can be given until his patent for this country has been taken out, but that there......

Mr. Gorst, M.1'. For Chatham, Who, As Having Long Been

the head of one of the most influential of the Conservative Associations, is to be regarded as much more than an individual Member of Par- liament, made a speech at Chatham on......

The Home-rule Party Are In Difficulties. It Seems To Be

admitted on all sides that Ireland is tiring of the Home- rule Agitation, and its little fruits. Perhaps the relative prosperity of Ireland is one cause of it, and the......

The Annoyance Produced In Italy By The Berlin Treaty, Which

aggrandised Austria on the Adriatic without giving Italy any com- pensation, has resulted in the fall, or rather the modification, of the Cabinet. The Ministers for Foreign......

The Fall In Silver Still Continues, And Is Beginning...

to- affect the financial arrangements of the India Office, as well as the commerce of India. On Wednesday the India Office sold only half its drafts on India, leaving £600,000......

The German Anti-socialist Bill Is At Last In Shape. The

Liberals have succeeded in defining " Socialists " as persons- aiming to subvert existing society by force, in restricting the right of suppression to newspapers issued after......

The Austrian Government, As Was Expected, Has Made A Stern

reply to the Turkish Circular accusing its army of atrocities. Count Andrassy informs the Porte that its accusations are "con- trary to the truth," complains that no inquiry was......