19 OCTOBER 1878, page 24

Margery Travers. By A. E. N. Bewicke. (hurst And Blackett.)—

Miss Bewicke is one of the best of the second-rate novelists. She does not write too much, she does write carefully, and she tells a story so as to interest the reader, if not......

The Life Of Christian Consecration : Sermons Preached At...

By Alexander Mackennal, B.A. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—The writer of these sermons is a man who would deprecate anything like eulogy of them. In one very striking sermon, on"......

Current Literature.

though none of them riso noticably above the average of merit. We should be inclined to give the first place to that on "Leasing as Philosopher and Theologian," whore the writer......

A Chequered Life.* Mits. Day's New Novel Is Not A

trap for the unwary reader, into which he shall walk to be caught by a theory, or a preachment, or by any set purpose ; it deals with life and its pleasures and pains, with love......

Lectures On The Labour Question. By Thomas Brassey, M.p....

mans.)—These lectures, which the author has collected and published in this volume, touch on almost every phase of the great labour question, and contain a quantity of facts and......

Narrative Of A Voyage To The Polar Sea During 1875 - C,

in H.M.'s Ships Alert' and Discovery.' By Captain Sir G. S. Nares. (Sampson Low and Co.)—Sir George Nares is not a brilliant writer, and few subjects are more monotonous or less......