19 OCTOBER 1878, page 3

The Rev. J. Baldwin Brown, Who Acted As President Of

the Congregational Union at Liverpool on Tuesday last, delivered there a very striking address against the policy of driving out from among them, by the device of inventing new......

Sir Wilfrid Lawson Made One Of His Amusing Speeches At

Longtown, near Carlisle, on Thursday, on the Foreign policy of the Government. He said Lord Salisbury and Lord Beaconsfield both went to the Congress, because neither of them......

Sir Henry James, In Speaking Last Week To His Constituents

at Taunton, appears to have been exceedingly reticent on the chief question of the day. He said that all possible caution ought to be used before entering on an Indian war of......

Sir Patrick O'brien, M.p., While Visiting Philipstown On...

attend Quarter Sessions, was induced to make a speech from a window on the politics of the day, and in it assured his constituents and the rest of his street audience that "he......

The Season Of Burglaries Has Set In With Some Vigour,

and the Chief Constable of Surrey has issued a printed " caution " to "the occupiers of country houses," in which, however, he chiefly seems to have in view the prevention of......

Consols Were On Friday 94} To 94.


Lord Dufferin, As His Final Gift To Canada And The

United States, has proposed that the Governments of New York and Ontario should combine to purchase the lands round the Falls of Niagara, which are of small value, and form of......

The Bank Rate Remains At 6 Per Cent., The Directors

not having raised it on Thursday, as they were expected to do. The Bank Return is, however, not favourable, the Reserve having declined to £8,517,000, while the Deposits have......