Nautical Solecisms.
[TO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.' SIL—Lord Fisher in one of his recent books draws attention to the small numbers of statues of great seamen that embellish (?) London and......
Profit—rate Per Cent.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.' Sia,—Having read his letter in the Spectator of March 13th, may I be permitted to assure Mr. Pixie that were I to sell for .t1 an article......
Sir Auckland Geddes.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sia,—You object to the appointment of Sir Auckland Geddes to the British Embassy at Washington on the . ground that he "spent a large part of......
Hours Of Employment (no. 2) Bill.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR!"] Sia,—It may be of interest to your readers to have pointed out to them the effect which the above Bill, which will shortly come before......
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."' SIR,—Under the above title you published in your issue of March 13th a letter from Mr. Alex. Devine, in which he points out that Montenegro,......
Western History For Eastern Boys And Girls. [to The Editor
OP THE " SPECTATOR."' SIR, —A work which sets forth the vital periods of European history in a manner suitable for children in Syria is Cesare Balbo's Summary of the History of......