23 JANUARY 1909, page 15
Unionist Free-traders And The Presen • T Government.
rio Tee EDITOR OF THR " Serativroa.") SIR,—Although I find myself in agreement with nearly all the political articles in the Spectator, I confess I cannot follow you when you......
The Lessons Of History.
[To TEX EDITOu ' Or TIM " SrNOTATOR.1 SIR, e s-In your article in the issue of January 16th on "The Lessons of History" occurs the following statement : " There are thousands of......
The Irish Land Question.
/TO Tils EDITOR Or Talc " SPROTATOR.1 18 Ilt•".--I do not desire to raise the question of Free-trade and Protection, but simply to consider how far the interest of Ireland is......