During The Past Week Three Very Generous And Notable Gifts
have been made to the public. To begin with, Mr. Pierpont Morgan has purchased the magnificent collection of prehistoric weapons formed by Canon Greenwell of Durham, and has......
Another Of The Gifts Made This Week Is The Presentation
of the sum of £20,000 by an anonymous donor to the London Hospital, to be used in the interests of medical research and the promotion of higher education in medicine. The money......
That Mr. Birroll's Conclusion Is Sound We Cannot Doubt. Not
only do we believe that newspapers would have much more influence were they more independent, but we also believe that they would actually do better from a business Point of......
Bank Rate, 3per Oent., Changed From 21 Per Mat. Jan.
14th. Consols (2 k) were on Friday 83i — Friday week 83i.......
Lord Balfour Of Burleigh Has A Sensible Letter On The
8 oemlist movement in Thursday's Times, in which he sets forth the aims of the British Constitution Association, of which he l a the president. Holding that all legislation......
Last Saturday Was The Centenary Of Coruna, Where Su John
Moore died at the moment of victory. Charle's Wolfe's' famous and nobly simple poem on Moore's burial has made the name of that great soldier familiar to every schoolboy.......
The Death Of The Rev. A. G. Butler, Which Was
announeed on Monday, will be mourned by a wide circle of friends and pupils. Son of one Head-Master of Harrow, brother of another, and himself brilliantly distinguished as a......
In The Regent Hall Of Trinity College, Dublin, On Tuesday
afternoon Mr. Birrell moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Massing- ham for a lecture which he had delivered on journalism and th e duty of the Press to the people. They could not......
The Report Of The Royal Commission On Coast Erosion And
Afforestation was published on Friday week. We have dealt at length elsewhere with the Report on the economic side, but may note here a political argument of no small moment. If......