An Echo Of Corut.a.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR." . ] SIR,—I think you may like to print the enclosed letter in the Spectator in commemoration of the hundredth anniversary of Sir John Moore's......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator:]
SIR,—You have opened your columns to the subject of the abuse of old-age pensions. What can we do to arrest the rapid demoralisation which is sure to follow P I am here on the......
Old-age Pensions.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—For the past twenty years my wife and I have lived iu close touch with the two or three hundred inhabitants of our village, knowing......
The Economics Of Destruction,
[To THE EDITOR ON TRIO . 13p xarkrolt.1 SIR,—In your article on "The Economics of Destruction" in last week's Spectator you are surely too hard on the "philosopher of the......
The Irish Land Question.
/TO Tils EDITOR Or Talc " SPROTATOR.1 18 Ilt•".--I do not desire to raise the question of Free-trade and Protection, but simply to consider how far the interest of Ireland is......
"col. Graham Of Ealoowan To Robert Graham, Esq.
On Beard the 'Audacious' in the Channel, Sunday, Janry. 22d, 'D. I had not time nor power to write you from Corunna my dr. Graham, for I was almost blind with an attack of......