A Parallel To The "suffragettes." Lto Tits Editor Of T1113
..spearAros..-) Sin,—History has the knack of repeating itself, as we all know. But I question very much if it has ever furnished a closer parallel between modern and mediaeval......
Prevention Of Corruption.
LTO THE EDITOR OF TRH "SPZOTAT011."J Sin,—Your readers may be interested in the following record of convictions under the Prevention of Corruption Act to date :— Six months'......
Pragmatism And Religion.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE ° SPROTATOR.".1 SIR,—I recently had occasion to discuss pragmatism in a dissertation presented to, and favourably accepted by, the University of Oxford. I......
Rights And Duties.
[TO THE EDITOR or TRIO °SPIOTATOR." Sin,—In the Spectator for last week (p. 91) a correapondent says that he hears "every one shouting for rights, but none advocating duties."......
The Economics Of Destruction,
[To THE EDITOR ON TRIO . 13p xarkrolt.1 SIR,—In your article on "The Economics of Destruction" in last week's Spectator you are surely too hard on the "philosopher of the......