Letters To The Editor.
A NAVAL CONTRIBUTION FROM THE COLONIES. [To THR EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") • cordially agree with the views of the Spectator as expressed in your issue of March 21st re our......
Germany And Holland.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—When in Rotterdam in 1877 I heard another version of the story related by " H. E. B." in your issue of March 21st. At that time there......
" Our Navy."
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — May I point out to your correspondent, Mr. T. a Minshall (Spectator, March 14th), that the number of men employed in the Fleet is......
The Letters Of " Vigilans Sed 2equiis."
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "' SIR, — Having had occasion to study carefully the admirable series of letters and articles which have appeared lately in the Spectator,......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator. "] Sir,—referring To...
on the Navy Estimates in the Spectator of March 21st, in which you allude to the contributions by the Colonies towards the expenses of the Imperial Navy, I beg to call your......
Germany And Britain.
(To THE EDITOR OP THE "$PEOPATOR.1 Sin, — Your political essays always remind me of our College " ventures." Germany is your bête noire, and if your ways were adopted I fancy......