' The Comments Of The English, Scotch, And Irish Press
on the Bill are almost universally favourable. The same may be said of the American newspapers, which all greet the measure with satisfaction. The Tribune, for example, declares......
It Is With Great Regret That We Record The Tragic
death of Sir Hector MacDonald, which took place by his own hand in Paris on Wednesday. We shall say nothing of the sad circumstances in which the gallant soldier's end came. It......
The Polling In The Chertsey Division, Which Took Place On
Thursday, the result being declared on Friday afternoon, resulted in the return of Mr. J. A. Fyler, the Unionist candidate, by a majority of 1,180. At the last election — i.e.,......
On Wednesday Mr. George Wyndham Introduced The New Irish...
Purchase Bill, which for the last few months has been so strongly moving Irish opinion. We have dealt at length elsewhere with its chief provisions and guiding principles, and......
The Question Of Native Labour Came Up In The House
of Commons on Tuesday, Sir Charles Dilke moving, as an amend- ment to the second reading of the Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Bill, that the Government before acting on any......
In The Debate That Followed Mr. Wyndham's Speech There Was
a striking unanimity of agreement. Mr. Redmond would have liked a larger bonus, but his tone was conciliatory ; Colonel Saunderson declared that the landlords would throw no......
The Times Of Wednesday Publishes An Account Of A Scientific
discovery by M. Curie, perhaps the first of French physicists, which will excite universal interest. Chemists have been greatly excited by observing qualities in the new metal,......
Mr. Chamberlain Visited The City On Friday Week To Receive
an address from the Lord Mayor and Corporation, and delivered an important speech. He began by reiterating his conviction, confirmed by his visit to South Africa, that the war......
Mr. Chamberlain, Leaving The Main Political Issue, Spoke...
of the material resources of the new Colonies, where the value of land had immensely increased since the con- clusion of peace. In the Cape the assurances of both great......
We Note With Regret The Death, Which Occurred Last Sunday,
of Dr. Farrar, the Dean of Canterbury. A successful Master at Harrow and at Marlborough (where he succeeded Dr. Bradley), and subsequently Canon and Archdeacon of West- minster......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent. New Consols (2i) Were On
Friday sot.......