The World's Work. Edited By Henry Norman, M.p. (w....
ls. net.)—The April number of the World's Work is full of interesting matter and of photographic illustrations of a very high order of merit. The most striking feature of the......
Colonial And Camp Sanitation. By George Vivian Poore,...
and Co. 2s. net.)—Dr. Poore continues to insist—and he cannot do a better service to the health of the community—on the advantages of earth sanitation. The present system of......
Horace On The Links. By C. J. B. And P.
S. W. (Swan Sonnen- schein and Co. 2s. 6d.)—Messrs. "C. J. B." and "P. S. W." para- phrase eighteen odes of Horace into golfing language, and add notes collected from the......
The Art Of Living. By S. E. Buckrose. (gentlewoman Offices.
65. net.)—Mrs. Buckrose gives us in this volume thirteen delightful essays on various social and ethical questions,—on housekeeping, on training children, on girls' education,......