A Stretch Of The Land. By G. Stewart Bowles. (methuen
and Co. 6s.)—We must confess to having found this volume more than usually unintelligible, comparing it, that is to say, with other books about sea matters. Now and then we came......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] The Monroe Doctrine. By Sir F. Pollock, Bart. (Offices of the .......
For His People. Retold By Viscount Hayashi. (harper And...
3s. 6d.)—This is so far fiction that a true story is filled out with various imaginary characters; and a very curious story it is, another proof of how marvellously Japan has......
The Impressions Of A War - Correspondent. By George...
3s. 6d.)—Mr. Lynch's "Impressions" are not all of war. He has something to tell us about cities,—about New York, which he ealls the "City of Unrest," and some of the people who......
The Art Of Living. By S. E. Buckrose. (gentlewoman Offices.
65. net.)—Mrs. Buckrose gives us in this volume thirteen delightful essays on various social and ethical questions,—on housekeeping, on training children, on girls' education,......
The Steeple. By Reginald Turner. (greening And Co. 6s.)—...
Steeple might quite appropriately have been given the sub- title of " Studies in Faith, and the Want of It." The principal characters are two English clergymen contrasted, and......
.ranson' S Folly. By Richard Harding Davis. (w....
Harding Davis's little book of stories is very pleasant 'reading. The first story, which gives its name to the book, is, though the longest, not the best. That distinction......
Overdue. By W. Clark Russell. (chatto And Windus. 6s.)— It
is difficult, we imagine, to construct a sea-story on the lines which are familiar when the persons and things introduced are of the laud. The usual rule is that no incident......