1 DECEMBER 1917, Page 24


[To um EDITOR 07 TM " Smarm.")

Sut,—Permit me to answer Miss Laughton's letter in which she risks whether your correspondent Miss Rimmer has any grounds far supposing that the "Tribute to Nurses Fund " is to be administered by the College of Nursing. Whether the College Is

to do this or not makes no vita] difference. The point is that the public is being asked to contribute to a double fund to endow the College and to provide annuities for nurses." In giving this money they will not know to which object it will be devoted, and they will not realize that in helping to endow the College they are strengthening an organization which has ignored the old estab- lished democratic societies whilst recognising bodies of employers, and which is promoting a Bill for State Registration in which it claims for itself the monopoly of keeping the official State Register, and consequently of exercising disciplinary powers, and yet refuses to grant representation under it to self-governing associations of nurses. Those who have studied economic questions will appreciate the danger of the eituation. I am ready to give any explanation • 16 1farshant Street, Westminster, S.W. 1.