1 DECEMBER 1917, page 10

Our Girls In Wartime. Rhymes By Hampden Gordon. Pictures By

Joyce Dennys. (John Lane. 3s. 6d. net.)—This is an amusing companion volume to Our Hospital A.B.C. (which we noticed last year). The authors show us many types of pretty and......

A Second Diary Of The Great Warr. By Samuel Pepys,

Junior. (J. Lane. 5s. net.)—The continuation of this clever imitation of Pepys's Diary runs from January, 1916, to Juno, 1017. It is just as amusing as the first part, and the......

Britaln And The War.

Britain and the War. By Andre Chevrillon. (Hodder and Stoughton. Ss. net.)—M. Chevrillon's exceedingly able and sympathetic analysis of the British attitude towards the war,......

Economic Development Of Modern Europe. By F. A. Ogg....

and Co. 10s. 6d. not.)—Mr. Ogg, of Wisconsin University, has presented in a compact form a history of the economic develop- ment of Great Britain, France, and Germany, and, more......

Health Of Working Girls. By Beatrice Webb, M.a. (blackie And

Son. 20. 6d. net.)—Welfare supervisors and others who have charge of women workers may be glad to know of this practical and sensible little book, to which Miss Martindale, the......

In Canada's Wonderful Northland. By W. Tees Curran And H.

A. Calkins. (G. P. Putnam's Sons. 12s. 6d. net.)—This book describes an eight months' tour along the eastern shores of Hudson Bay, which now form part of the province of Quebec.......

The Fight For The Republic. By Rosaiter Johnson. (g. P.

Putnam's Sons. 12s. 6d. net.)—This book is not so much a history of the American Civil War as a series of chapters on the more dramatic episodes of the great conflict. It is......

Stories For Children.

Ma. A. A. Mrtnre has essayed the difficult task of writing a comical tale for young children, like Thackemy's immortal The Rose and the Ring. It cannot be said that his Once on......

Current Literature.

ODES AND OTHER POEMS. Odes and other Poems. By R. C. K. Ensor. (Sidgwick and Jackson. Is. net.)—Mr. Ensor has great technical accomplishment and the something more that modern......