1 DECEMBER 1917, page 9

Stories For Girls.

Miss BRENDA G lay rn 's pleasant and interesting story, Munition Mary (Humphrey Milford, Is. Ori. not), is concerned with a atubbom old employer who is reluctant to let women......

Stories For Children.

Ma. A. A. Mrtnre has essayed the difficult task of writing a comical tale for young children, like Thackemy's immortal The Rose and the Ring. It cannot be said that his Once on......

Stories For Boys.

SIR ARTHUR Gramma-Cm:ma's new volume of stories of the Spanish Main, Mortallorre and Aunt Trinidad (Bristol : Arrowsmith, is a capital gift-book for boys. The first story......


CHILDREN'S BOOKS.. LOVERS of Italy will be drawn to Bliss Steedman's Madonna of the Goldfinch,' first by its title and the picture on the wrapper, and then by these words in the......