1 DECEMBER 1917, page 26

A Sheep-dog's Power Of Reasoning.

(To TUE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOE."3 Sue—Your correspondent "F. W. S." may be assured that dogs do reason their pada/sins out, as the following personal ,experience of a......

"the 01,1) English Squire."

(To two Berteli. or roe -",Sisr.orinse."1 Sue,—In the Spectator of December 2nd, 4918, and referred to In subsequent numbers, is "The Old EngReh Squire," attributed to Various......

" Crannock And "seep."

CT° THE Entroa or rat " filescrwroa."1 any West Countryman tell me what the " erannock " as a measure of wheat held P Can any Yorkshireman tell me what the " skep "es a measure......

English As She Is Writ.

(To rue Bistros. or THE "Sniorime."1 Sis,--What is a Tombola—and teem' language really so deficient that it is necessary to make use of ,a dubious word of foreign origin in......

The Homing Instinct Of A Cat.

(To rat Eorroa or rim Sercriron."3 have often heard of curious stories of wonderful retorts journeys made by cats and dogs to their masters or old homes, but I have never......

An Epitaph.

ITo THE EDITOR. or THE "EVEHAT011."1 Sim—Can you tell me where the following epitaph is copied from, and give the solution of the enigma P- " We were not staple but rayeed Rayed......

A Brave Miner.

(To THE EDITOR or THE " Sregrsme."3 do not know - whether the enclosed would be of interest to your readers. I am presenting two medals, one from the B.S.P.C.A., the other from......

Village Settlements For Disabled Officers And Men.

(To THE Enrol or THE SPECTATOR."1 • have been requested by the Commit of the Village Settle- silents scheme for restoring and training those officers and men who have been......