1 DECEMBER 1917, Page 26


(To two Berteli. or roe -",Sisr.orinse."1 Sue,—In the Spectator of December 2nd, 4918, and referred to In subsequent numbers, is "The Old EngReh Squire," attributed to Various authors. The writer of the song was William Andrew Chatto sender his nom de phone of "Stephen Oliver." I have before me the words and musk, the latter ceinnored by Pr. Blake and .published .ais a pamphlet rather than full mimic size, illus- trated by six chmacteriatic .etchings by "Phiz " (Ilablot Browne). 'It was published by Walter -Spiers, 899 .Orford Street, London, in 1838. My mother, who was the daughter of William Andrew Chatto, told me it was written for au anglers' relation in Newcastle-on-Tyne in the first instance by her father and after- wards published. The mails are so irregular to Australia now

that it is a long time before one gets English papers. am, Sir,


Palafia, Flinders, Victoria, Australia, September 26th.