1 DECEMBER 1917, page 23

Quakers And The Franchise.

(To ras Eerroe OR rue " 8ezersroe."1 bra, I ans neither a Friend nor a Pacificiet, and I empathise with the diners to catch the cowards' who pose as ooneolentious objectors. But......

Letters To The Editor,

[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.] A VOICE FROM AMERICA. [To THE......

Compulsory Rations.

[To THE EDITOR or THZ SPRCIZZOR.”) Sia s —Usually the reasoning of your articles appeals to me as so very sound that, finding a contrary case, I eel conetrained to write to you......

The Church And The Y.m.c.a. (to 711a Editor Or Nhl

" SPECTATOR:1 Sta,—In a book written by one of our Assistant-Chaplain. Generals last spring occurred these words as nearly as I can remember them: "It is the duty of any one......

The Grand Misunderstanding.

fTo ins Enema or ras " SPILM708."1 Suh—In the Spetfator of November 17th " M. T. II." says that in the spring of 1911 he saw reports in the Belfast newspapers of remarks made......