The King's Mother. By Lady Margaret Domvile. (Burns and Oates.)—The
lady meant by this ambiguous title is Margaret Beaufort, the mother of Henry VII. The author has availed her- self of the existing materials, which indeed have been already collected by the pious care of the two Colleges which owe their foundation to the Lady Margaret. She married at fourteen Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond (by special direction, we are told, of St. Nicholas), and was left a widow soon afterwards. On January 26th, 1456, • her son, Henry VII., was born at Pembroke Castle, in the preceding generation the residence of Gilbert de Clare," as the author strangely puts it. She survived him by a little more than a year;' dying June 29th, 1510, aged sixty-nine, so that she was hardly 4‘ a very old lady" when Erasmus sail?. her. The is sufficiently ic;oa, but it might have been improved.