10 JUNE 1899, page 16
The Break-up Of China.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Ste, —In your able article in the Si ectator . of May 20th on Lord Charles Beresford's recent book, " The Break-up of China," you say :—" It......
The Royal Academy.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, — Your article in the Spectator of May 6th drawing atten- tion to the absurdity of allowing any artist to send in eight works to the......
The Mardi's Tomb. [to The Editor Op The "spectator."] Sre,—i
send the following observations on the chance of your thinking them worthy of publication. Every one will sympathise with the sentiment embodied in Mr. Morley's censure of the......